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Infiniti3D: Ultimate Protection for Your Bicycle from Thieves?

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Just how far would you be willing to go, to ensure that nearly every part on your bicycle was able to be protected from thieves? Would you be willing to replace, or modify nearly all the exposed fasteners on your bike? That seems the be the question Atomic22 is posing, with their soon to be released infiniti3D security system.

The concept of locking skewers, seatpost binders, etc, is nothing new, just Google “locking skewers” and you will be instantly gratified with results from Pinhead, OnGuard, Delta, and more. Pitlock even offers brake and headset security, but what if you wanted to take it even another step further?

Infiniti3D seems to offer just that, or the ability to lock nearly every exposed part on the bike. In order to make this possible, first you would have to design a new key, which is exactly what Atomic22 set out to do.

Check out the heart to the Infiniti3D after the break.

Up to this point, the weak point to most systems has been the ability to produce a key that is small enough to fit into small parts on the bicycle, yet is able to be made into many different keys. While some locking skewers simply use a three pronged, generic key, Pitlock seems to have the best “key” up to this point, with an impressive 256 different Pit keys. However, at this point the design is limited to axles, brakes, 1 1/8th threadless topcaps, and replaceable dropout bolts.

Instead of utilizing an external key or socket to lock parts to the bike, Atomic22 knew that in order to truly be able to prevent every part from theft, a compact, internal key was necessary. To address this issue, Infiniti3D relies on a patent pending 3D key design that supposedly offers nearly infinite permutations. As illustrated above, the key shape is created in any arbitrary pattern that will fit onto the bolt head, and is then made even more unique by the depth profile of the keyway channel as shown by the key on the left. As with most keyed systems, users will be logged into a database with their specific key automatically, which will enable replacement keys to be purchased, or new locking hardware to be made for new parts or bikes. Since every key is different, there is no serial number on the parts like some other systems. Customers will have the ability to buy as few, or as many keyed parts as they would like, and will be able to purchase any replacements or parts for additional new bikes or parts in the future.

When the Infiniti3D system refers to protection for just about every part, they mean it. Above you can see an FSA stem that has the locking headset cap, along with locking faceplate bolts, but the system doesn’t stop there. Cranksets, chainrings, seatposts clamps, seatpost bolts, threaded stems, front derailleurs, rear derailleurs, pedals, brakes, and even STI levers all have the possibility of being secured! Thanks to the unique design of the 3D key, the design is able to be integrated into small bolt heads, and due to the high end nature of the products most likely to be protected, Atomic22 has sought out the best materials to build their parts. Working closely with Royce UK, the entire system is completely manufactured in the UK, and is made of high quality aerospace grade materials, including Ti. Apparently, when Atomic22 set out to create the Intiniti3D system, they wanted to create a system that would garner peace of mind, without affecting performance.

As you can imagine, creating a locking system that is compatible with so many different parts, on equally many bikes would prove to be quite a challenge, which is probably why a system to this degree hasn’t been done before.

So where can you buy the Infiniti3D system, when, and how much? For starters, the system is set to be fully launched this summer via their website. Currently, all sales are set to be through the website, due to the incredible amount of combinations and parts necessary for the system to work, although generic packages may be in the works in the future. Pricing is also yet to be determined. Apparently, there will also be a phase 2 of the project this fall, which “promises a solution to heavy, breakable bike locks.”

To our readers, what do you think? Is this something you would consider for your bike, or do you feel it might be a little too much?



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13 years ago

If they can’t steal the bike would they steal your shifters? or your cranks?

It seems like a bit much to me. My race and mountain bikes, which have the highest value in the herd, I never lock up and/or leave unattended/out of view. My other bikes might have some value to them as well, but not nearly as much, which is why I have them to begin with.

When I lived in NYC I never rode a nice bike (at least you couldn’t tell it was nice wrapped up in e-tape). And rarely did I see a nice rig in public locked up.

The normal QR locks seem all that’s necessary to me.

Would I ride a nicer bike and leave it locked up knowing it was more secure with these bolts? I don’t know. But I don’t think I would

13 years ago

I think the aesthetics of the bolt heads is the best thing they have going.
I can see people into this idea, but I think their design is really what will make them sell. Customized.

13 years ago

High end security for high end bikes and parts, awesome idea. Looks like a pretty awesome blend of style and security. I’m seeing more high end commuters and something like this would work really well.

Mr. C
Mr. C
13 years ago

I’d only go for that stuff if it’s weight weenie approved, all titanium! 😉

13 years ago

While this may certainly foil a “Bike Part Thief”, or at least cause him to drop the “Part” from his criminal designation… Bike thieves are called “Bike Thieves” because they steal BIKES… not just bike parts.

13 years ago

I see the same problem I encountered while working at a custom auto shop; people losing the keys and expecting us to have a replacement.

They look great and unique.

Ben G
Ben G
13 years ago

I’ve often been slightly concerned about the brakes and fork on my mountain bikes, as those are some of the most expensive parts on my bikes. I actually had a friend who had a $700 XC fork stolen from off of his bike. Granted, I always take my bikes inside work/home/class if they’re going to be left alone and out of sight for more than a couple of hours. I’ll probably look into this for my commuter.

13 years ago

I think most of the readers are missing the point. High end or not, if a thief steals a part off your bike, more than likely you’re not riding home. I think these are a great idea for the commuting crowd. And people who use bikes as transportation.

13 years ago

Cool idea although I’d never actually use it. Like gillis I would never take my race bikes anywhere I wouldn’t be in sight of them at all times.
If someone is stupid enough to steal a bike and then saw that they couldn’t steal any parts, they’re probably stupid enough to damage your bike so that it isn’t ridable, just out of spite. Its kind of the same principal of getting a rental car in Hawaii. Never leave anything inside and leave the windows down. That way the pissed off locals can’t steal anything and won’t have to break any windows to see if there is anything good inside.

13 years ago

The parts look great and might be good idea for those that frequently lock their high end bikes up but most don`t. On top of that, any of the non-sunk screws can easily be removed with pliers or vise grips.

13 years ago

i would consider this product if the price wasn’t outrageous. i don’t work so douche bags can steal my stuff. why not spend a little to protect your investment?

13 years ago

This is a good product if you frequently have your bike on a roof rack. I don’t use quick release because it’s too easy to get your saddle stolen. This is just one next step better. If I had a $300 saddle or a Di2 derailleur I’d want to lock them down with these.

13 years ago

I can see this as being useful for either your ‘around town’ beater or commuter. Not so much for the race bikes. I agree with Patrick and gillis that my race bikes are either in view at all times or are being watched by someone I know. I haven’t really experienced being at a race where someone else isn’t looking after your ride just out of compassion. Seriously, you have to be pretty ballsy to whip out the Torx or Allen key and start wrenching stuff off of someone else’s bike. 1st rule of race fight club is never wrench on your bike the day of.

13 years ago

I’m looking at it from a different view: One key for every bolt. This replaces the 3mm, 4mm, 5mm , 6mm, and 8 or 10mm hex wrenches you carry for just one bike. Not to mention, it simplifies things further if you have torx (stars) on your bike as well (which many MTB manufacturers are spec’ing now).

13 years ago

While being able to lock every bolt on your bike is interesting, for most peoples use its too much. Seatpost bolt and skewers are really the most important. Stealing the cranks, derailleurs, shifters, handlebars, stem are all time intensive operations and require more than just simple tools. If some one tried to steal your derailleurs for example they’d need to brake your chain too, shifters with cables and housing you need cut those cables and remove bar tape.. Unless you lock your bike up in a dark alley next to a hardware store your bike does not need this kind of protection — You Are Your BEST protection for Your Bike! Keep it close, and in sight.

Ronin Six
Ronin Six
13 years ago

Mr. C, you’re in luck:
“6AL4V titanium fasteners designed for performance and precision engineered with Royce UK”

I wonder if they’ll be able to make these in aluminum for those of us addicted to anodized blingy-ness.

13 years ago

I disagree that this is over the top. Maybe for the opportunistic thief but there are many professional bike thieves out there who life whole racks of bikes into vans to strip the components in a private area later. The stolen components market is much more liquid than the stolen bike market. I’m very tempted to secure all my components, not only saddle/skewers.

13 years ago

Hello1 Where can i can get those security device bolts here in QC Canada?
thx merci!

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