In the future, it seems everything will be connected to your smart phone. First locks, and now with Cycle AT, a tire pressure monitoring system. Designed to work with both motorcycles and bicycles, Cycle AT is a Bluetooth LE connected sensor that mounts onto the valve stems of each wheel. When paired with the Cycle AT App, the sensors monitor individual tire pressure, temperature, and even alignment (though that last one is likely more for motorcycles). Not sold yet? The devices do act as speed sensors as well, so if you don’t already have a cycle computer this might do the trick.
To be sold in both low and high profile designs, and weigh less than 30 grams each. The sensors themselves are housed in an anodized aluminum casing with fit for presta or schraeder valves. The system will be launched on Kickstarter next week with pricing available then.
Honestly, we’re guessing this will be a bigger hit with the motorcycle crowd, but what do you think? Would Cycle AT be useful for your bike?