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Share the stoke on your car with Cycling Stick Family stickers

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We can’t always be out riding our bikes, so why not spread the gospel of cycling while we are sharing the road in our cars? You’ve surely seen the stick figure lady on the back window of a station wagon with all of her stick figure cats. Don’t be her. Get some stick figure cyclists and let others know what kind of riding you and your family do.

That’s my family. We don’t have a minivan to slap these on the back of, but it would be a lot cooler if we did. Cycling Stick Family has a wide range of figures of men, women, teenagers, and kids. Have a look at more details after the jump. What does your cycling family look like?


Stick figures are available for the DH, fat bikers, roadies, time trialers above, plus BMX, cross, hybrids, and track. Men’s figures are about 4.5″ tall, women 4″, and teen versions of the same men and women figures at 3.75″ tall to let you mix and match. Then there are small kids ~3″ tall and a few accessories to add on. The stickers a white printed on a black background, that then follows the outline of the figure.


All types of rider stick figures are available for just $4.75, plus tax, shipping & handling. My family of four would set us back just over $22 with everything, delivered in the US, Canada, or Mexico. According to their policies, currently shipping is not available outside of North America. Part of the proceeds from sales got to support youth cycling in northeastern Pennsylvania where the stickers are made.


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9 years ago


9 years ago

Ugh. My only salvation is that kids ask their parents to put these on, and hey, I’d probably give in too (but no bumper stickers you little brats!!!). But sadly I think the parents like it too.

Kernel Flickitov
Kernel Flickitov
9 years ago

Great now even cyclists can advertise that they’re proud breeders. Blends right in with bumperstickers for politics, religious zealots, and gun nuts. Great!

WV Cycling
9 years ago

I can get these from Aliexpress for roughly a dollar a piece, shipped from china.

9 years ago

@Kernel Flickitov

“proud breeders”. Really dude? I think family stick figures are lame too (and I even own a minivan), but every time someone uses the term “breeder”, all I can think is what a misanthropic cynical person they must be. Literally the only reason society exists is to produce and provide for the next generation. But, you know, “breeders,” man.

Moderators can feel free to delete my comment, but just, ugh, on the “breeder” sentiment. It’s such a downer.

9 years ago


No reason for them to delete….you speak the truth.

9 years ago

No. Just no.

9 years ago

Stick figure stickers conjure up a deep rooted urge to ram the offending vehicle with my vehicle. Luckily, we are a civilized culture (somewhat) and I am able to reason with myself.

9 years ago

Kids, Kids, Kids. Lighten up a little. “Can’t we all just get along?”

9 years ago

5 years too late?

9 years ago

Nope, never.

9 years ago

Not to share the stoke…

The first reaction is that they’re insipid, dorky, saccharine and narcissistic, evidence that thanks to social media we think strangers actually care about the terrible ordinariness of our lives, an in your face statement about ourselves, our lives and our families, and we think that everything we do is important.

However, I think that it’s an anxious claim to belonging, a desire to belong to a vision of feminine success and to a mythical white middle ‘Merica populated by happy, heterosexual nuclear families. This is further reinforced by the key purchasing demographic being a middle-aged woman trying to be a super mom.

The stickers are a fantasy of unity in a context of family disengagement caused by work and schooling pressures. They’re a fantasy of health (physical and familial) in a world of rising obesity rates caused partly by that big SUV you’ve stuck those stickers on.

After all that heavy handed lecturing did anyone else notice that they have the traffic side foot not the curb side foot out? They should be banned as they’re promoting dangerous stationariness!

9 years ago

it’s like when vans have the kids’ names on em, where they go to school what sport they’re in while you post on fbook that you’re on vacation and your house is empty.

9 years ago

@ loki – they’re not in traffic. they’re drifting. foot out flat out, son.

9 years ago

I need this:
One guy on a bike, surrounded by about 6 or so other somewhat similar bikes (with no riders), yet still looking longingly into a bike store. Then add a wire wife on the other side of the rear window shaking her head in disapproval.

Charlie Best
Charlie Best
9 years ago

“Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
Where have you been? It’s alright we know where you’ve been.”

9 years ago

@Charlie Best “By the way… which one’s Pink?”

Kernel Flickitov
Kernel Flickitov
9 years ago

Re; Mike and Longbeard. Apparently the experts agree, there’s awfully something gauche about these people. I have a family but don’t feel the need to advertise it, and make it known to local traffic our hobbies. The want the attention so they got it, breeders.

“Psychologist Carolyn Manning says some would say the stickers are symptomatic of a narcissistic, self-absorbed society. The people who put them on their cars, it could be argued, think strangers actually care about the terrible ordinariness of their lives. Academic Karen Brooks argues that it’s about Facebook culture: “We’re really in your face about ourselves, our lives and our families, and we think that everything we do is important.” Ergo, everyone needs to know that Dad likes fishing, Mum has a computer, and the violin-playing kid has a pet dog that died (cf. halo over dog’s head).”

9 years ago

Like Loki who go waay overboard with their psychobabble and insults to the only thing that holds the civilized world together- the nuclear family.
No because they are lame. That kinda all that needs to be said.

9 years ago

Whatever. Just teach your kids not to stop in the middle of the trail.

9 years ago

JBikes- That one brought me to laughter and tears. Hats off!

9 years ago

Is that dog taking a dump?

9 years ago

Wow. How sad, this banter. Around cycling, bike shops and cyclists a loooong time. Say what you will but when engaged in conversation, sooner than later the cyclist will let you know they are a cyclist. More specifically, a Downhiller or Triathlete or that they recently purchased a Fat bike. There is nothing wrong with sharing what you are passionate about with others. Lighten up. They look like fun.

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