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Portland Design Works To Install ‘Circulus’ Mini-Velodrome At HQ

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Circulus Miniature Velodrome Portland Design Works, Mini Drome

It’s Friday, and what a better way of celebrating than being reminded that your job sucks, right? The guys over at Portland Design Works, manufacturers of fine cycling accessories, decided to make their jobs just a bit cooler by installing a miniature velodrome in their office. That’s right folks. The company is sending a rep to LA to pick up the mini-drome and drive it back to Portland for installation.

The velodrome was part of an art installation by art student Samuel Starr at Pomona College in California. Bike Portland reports that the project will  cost about $3,500. See the video of the track in action after the break.

Circulus from machine project on Vimeo.

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Thomas L. Coleman Jr.
14 years ago

We have been engineering sound principles to all of our fit constraints at (WN) http://www.wobblenaught.com around the many types of events i.e. tt, tri, road, cx, mtb, etc… Not a mass marketing fit idea, one fit for all.

Your track really caught our eye. You just added yet another fit problem to be reviewed, to come up with the best blueprint solution. The biomechanical considerations for your velo just added a new event. Your track would be a great place to improve performance equipment that can’t be learned from the big track, open road, etc… Perhaps modifying the execution of the task itself.

Measurements may be done by visual inspection, or computer-controlled devices like we have used through the years.

After data collection, measurement, and analysis comes assessment or evaluation, during which are made judgments regarding the presences of absence of the variables that are deemed crucial to improved performance. Super!!!

Just like NASCAR, what you do to set you car for a big track is much different than short track.

The forces are not the same. The biologic systems, or the study of internal and external forces acting on a biologic system and the effects of the forces of your velodome just changed the (compression, shearing, tension) i.e. blood to the lower legs.

Nice job guys. Thinking outside the box.

14 years ago

Great idea and cool move by the company to install the track. As a bonus, we got to read a commerical from Wobblenaught.com.

david stanley
david stanley
14 years ago

This might be one way to get my HS students into our library. Does Starr plan on organizing a Madison race anytime soon?
As art and woodworking, it’s brilliant. The red stripe that continues from the carpet up into the boards is exceptionally cool. Ditto for the color and structural contrast between the track and the pillars in the center.
I’d be interested to know what woods went into this construction.

12 years ago

Hello! my name is Poli Amoros, I am a friend of Sam Starr was running on my team when cycling in Spain. As Sam I can contact? My email is poliamoros(at) hotmail (dot)com, thank you very much.

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