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Sram Red: All Black *Updated*

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Well, the cat is pretty much out of the bag by this point: apparently the next generation of Sram Red, is black.

Today they released some “spy” shots, followed by the video (after the break) that basically shows the entire group.

This has everyone wondering, is it just a color change? Surely, Sram has something else up their bright red sleeve? Perhaps, but the release of Sram Red Black does mark something that no other component group manufacturers has: choices of color for the top level group.

Ultimately, we will just have to wait to see if Sram has an ace up their sleeve, but until then – enjoy the Black.

Video teaser after the break!

UPDATE: Close ups of all components and the official word on any changes after the break!

Now it is official, that the new Black version of Sram Red is just a color change. Every other specification remains the same, so if you were waiting for some huge unveiling to switch to Sram, this isn’t it. However, if you are already on Sram and you are planning a custom build in the future, you may be pretty excited that now there is another color choice for the premier Sram Road drivetrain.

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14 years ago

At least it’s not as ugly as Campy’s “All Carbon Fiber” look… of course that’s not saying much.

14 years ago

Sweet! This groupo is going to be the official groupo of the New Zealand rugby team, The All Blacks! I just know it…

14 years ago

Not too excited for an all black group if that’s the big change everyone was waiting for from SRAM. Not that it works very well to begin with. It’ll probably still shift and sound like a mechanical nightmare.

Tommy Nickels
Tommy Nickels
14 years ago

I’m so excited I almost blinked.

14 years ago

I was talking to our SRAM rep this week and the word from his is they are testing a wireless road group set, something for a big summer 2011 preview.

14 years ago

That’s it? Not very impressive.

14 years ago

So “All Black” actually means “still with bits of red”?

14 years ago

All I took away from this is a new wheelset that is red branded.(zipp 404s I would guess) And black colored red.

14 years ago

I can feel myself getting faster already

14 years ago

My ex-girlfriend always used to tell me that once you go black you never go back. I never really knew what she meant by it. But I think I know now.

14 years ago

they should make one white component then it’d be like the Celtics

14 years ago

Wait… I thought sram already released this? And it was called rival.

14 years ago

finally someone (Peter – 02/22/11 – 3:05am) mentions the inevitable! 🙂 power, gps, shifting, all protocol unified and compatible with phone apps. hopefully things progress towards open protocols…

14 years ago

Will Sram Red produce a “red” colored group??? They have yellow and black now, so it should be inevitable.

14 years ago

Did nobody else notice what I did: It’s a twelve-speed.

Oh, yes it is.

Chris C.
Chris C.
14 years ago

OMG!!!! I’M SO EXCITED!!! THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER TO BE RELEASED FOR BICYCLES!!!!! That black is so black! It’s like none blacker!

daniel r
daniel r
14 years ago

It is definitely 10 and not 12. Also those wheels are the sick S30 AL Golds that have been available for about a year.
Nice job putting a parts group together in yet another impressive way to keep people’s attention, SRAM.

steve m
steve m
14 years ago

Maybe SRAM could concentrate on making all the screws and washers out of real stainless steel, rather than the cheezy, rusty stuff that plagues the RED stuff that I had before switching to Campy.

The industry has really jumped the shark on the whole fashion thing long ago…….

Rick S
Rick S
14 years ago

This is amazing! How will Shimano, the former champion of cheeseball marketing 101, be able to respond to this?

14 years ago

Well, color isn’t exciting at all. Where is the black 1090R chain? Hmmm…

For those that are real SRAM fans out there, don’t look to the Tour for a new release, odds are we’ll be waiting for Interbike for a 2012 preview of the new SRAM group.
It won’t be electronic… or will it?
SRAM is in cahoots with Garmin afterall…

14 years ago

As lame as it sounds, I am actually going to buy this when it comes out only because it’s now black. I’m building a stealth bike and this will fit in perfectly.

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