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Fancy Invisible Helmet by Hövding is Now Available

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Unlike the emperor’s new clothes, the Hövding “invisible helmet” isn’t a wacky con. The unique CE certified helmet was designed by a pair of women who wouldn’t be caught dead in a typical helmet. Not even these ones. The collar, which can be color coordinated with your outfit via replaceable shells, deploys an airbag when onboard sensors detect a crash is imminent.

The entire package retails for $600. So what do you get and how does it work?

The airbag is inflated by a cold gas inflator that uses helium. The airblag will retain constant pressure for several seconds after the initial impact – good enough to withstand multiple short impacts.

The $600 Hövding invisible helmet is a one hit wonder.  Unlike a parachute,  once the helmet deploys, its worthless. The device needs to be sent in to the manufacturer for maintenance and a discount on your next “invisible helmet.”

The airbag is made from ultra strong nylon fabric which inflates in .1 seconds, just don’t forget to turn the helmet on, and keep it charged. The collar incorporates a black box which records 10 seconds of data from just slightly before and after an accident.

The collar is water poof but not intended to be washed. The customizable outer shells can be washed and protect the collar from dirt, sweat, and grime.

The technology has a lot of interesting applications and a similar product by alpine stars has been used to great effect by top moto gp riders. Cost aside, would you consider wearing the invisible helmet and what applications would you like to see this used for?

You can buy yours here

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12 years ago

WTF…this is a joke right?

ascar larkinyar
ascar larkinyar
12 years ago

great deployment, except he whole front part of the face was smashed in. needs a little more protection. how about a complete bubble around the head….

12 years ago

600 bucks!?!?!?!?! For a single use!?!?!?! I’d forget to turn it on on purpose to save $600, wounds heal and chicks dig scars.

12 years ago

It will killed if the deplyoment malfunction…

12 years ago

Interesting, but a out of reach for most of us.

12 years ago

The whole front part of your face would be smashed in with a conventional helmet. Point?

12 years ago

Saris, please tell us you’re going to do a product review!

12 years ago

The problem with your comment Matt is that smashing your face/ head into concrete/ dirt at any significant speed results, more often than not, in various degrees of neurological trauma. That said I do agree with you, in that $600 is just a stupid amount of money to pay for single use protection.. Read into that however you want 😉

12 years ago

This reminds me a bit of the “avalanche airbag” safety systems for extreme skiers and snowboarders.

I definitely see this sort of technology becoming part of a “personal protection system” for a variety of applications (“extreme” sports, workplace safety, etc.) in the not-so-distant future.

Neal Stephenson writes about exactly this sort of tech in his 1992 sci-fi novel “Snow Crash”.

12 years ago

Imminent – not eminent. Completely different meaning.

12 years ago

For those of you who don’t like wearing a helmet, you can now wear what looks like a fanny pack around your neck. And it only cost $600.
It’s like wearing a scarf to keep you nice and warm during those hot summer days.

12 years ago

How’d they get that bike to endo? Is there a wire hooked to the front? Or some front brake actuation happening?

12 years ago

I imagine it won’t deploy if you are about to crash into a tree as opposed to the ground.

Maybe I’m just really used to the look of a bike helmet because I’d never ride without one, but do they really look so bad that this is preferable?

12 years ago

Did he die?

Psi Squared
Psi Squared
12 years ago

This looks perfect for summers in Tucson.

12 years ago

Ha ha. Don’t bend down to tie your shoe…

12 years ago

How much does the unit weigh?

There is something attached to the front rim.

12 years ago

What if something is coming at YOU? Like a Truck Door in the bike lane? and what if you just simply bobble your bike at a stop light?? *POOF!* there goes $600

Sorry, but this fails on SO many levels.

12 years ago

$600 is actually cheaper than a good motorcycle helmet. Cyclists seem to not realize that or forget, our bike parts are actually pretty cheap compared to motorized accessories.

12 years ago

Wow I thought that this would be similar to the vests that are popular in horse back riding. They use a C02 cartridge(the ones you would use to fill a tire quickly) and are repackable. They have been around for a few years now and seen as one the best safety measures.
The fact that this is not repackable and uses a system that relies on a limited supply chemical is insane.


12 years ago

That’s a great concept. I see it being more successful in colder climes, since it effectively doubles as a scarf. In reasonably warm weather (>60F), a conventional helmet would be more comfortable–that is, assuming it’s not a fashion gaffe in your social circles.

12 years ago

While I could say $10,000 bikes are “stupid” I don’t because I know that innovation in all fields trickle down. Of course most consumers are not going to pay $600 for a helmet, but when he economies of scale factor in this could be much more affordable down the road. Also, who knows where the aesthetics of this product could eventually go. It’s interesting that while helmets have become lighter, and more expensive, the basic designs haven’t changed much in the last 50 years.

12 years ago

Anyone who thinks that $600 is outrageous needs to think twice. Any ammount of money is cheap insurance for a brain injury. If you want to ride a POC, then spend $170 USD and ride happy. If you want to ride a walmart Bell then spend your $20 and ride. Don’t hate on someone who doesn’t want to ride either but still wants to be safe. This is better than the BMX kids riding around Valmont Bike Park sans helmet and jumping their bike 40 feet. I say three cheers to these two ladies for wanting to be safe and comfortable.

12 years ago

I’ve SMASHED a helmet on a tree and never left my rig! Dislocated both shoulders and if I hadn’t had my helmet on id be dead or drooling…I hope this is a joke…..

12 years ago

f%^k that, 600 bucks? i’ll just wear my helmet and have my hair look bad.

12 years ago

No prototype testing at the Red Bull Rampage?

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