Ok, it’s somewhere between Ultraviolet and Pink, but when someone rolls by with colorful Thomson ano bits, it catches your attention. The colorful anodization was performed by Project 321, a company that has their own line of hubs and accessories and does custom anodizing on products like Stan’s rims.
Apparently Project 321 has done anodization work for Thomson in the past, and have tried to work out a deal for a line of anodized parts but for now these are just one offs done to attract attention. Which they certainly do. 321 also makes Lefty fork adapters to run on standard head tubes whether they’re tapered or straight. Clearly, 321 is capable of anodizing the Lefty fork cap to match and as an authorized Lefty Retailer they may be able to work something out for you.
This particular Ibis was decked out in anodized bits to show off just what they can do. Are the days of color matched ano everything back?