If you ride in the summer, especially in humid climates you’re going to sweat. For some riders it isn’t an issue, but if you’re like me you know how it gets in your eyes and your glasses seemingly no matter what. Fortunately, it seems SweatHog may have the answer with their premium helmets liners. After finding little relief from headbands, do-rags, and gutter systems, John Rahm had a friend sew a piece of felt to an altered do-rag which was officially the first prototype. Working to improve that initial design, after many different prototypes the SweatHawg was born.
Unlike do-rags and head bands that are visible outside the helmet, the SweatHawg is designed to be discreet tucking away inside the helmet where it’s needed. Made in Oregon of Hydro-philic fabric sourced from Germany, the SweatHawg will absorb ten times its weight in water and can be rung out if it gets too saturated.
The brow features moisture wicking fabric that channels moisture to the absorbent fabric where it will evaporate and cool. Of course for the shaved, bald, and balding the SweatHawg will act as sun protection as well or as a wind block in cooler weather.
The SweatHawg is available in two models – the helmet liner and the helmet liner hook and loop. The latter basically replaces the front pads on your helmet and velcros into place where the pads used to be, while the original simply sits in place inside the helmet with all of the original pads. At only $20 for the original and $22 for the hook and loop, if the SweatHawg works anywhere as well as claimed it’s a steal.