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POC Forms Exclusive Partnership with Volvo Car Group, Steers the way to Safer Roads

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Early in 2013, Volvo announced a few projects they were working on in an effort to reduce the frequency of car-pedestrian/cyclist accidents. The company even took it a step further with a hood mounted airbag system developed not for the driver, but for the poor soul who may find their way to the hood of your car. While we wish more attentive drivers would make all this technology unnecessary, it was nice to see a car company thinking about people both in and outside of the car.

It seems POC feels the same way and has recently established a partnership with Volvo in order to work together to make the roads even safer. POC has always been about safety as much as they are about style as we saw at the AVIP launch in Aspen. One of the first projects for the duo is centered around communication – that between a bicyclist and a car, which falls in line with POC’s Interaction part of the AVIP equation. We’ll have to wait until the second part of 2014 to see what the two have cooked up, but we’re guessing it will probably be safe. And Hi Viz orange. Just a guess.

More after the break.

From POC:

POC and Volvo Car Group have established an exclusive partnership. The two Swedish companies will exchange knowledge and experience in order to explore new ideas within safety and design.

With POC’s mission of doing the best we can to possibly save lives and reduce the consequences of accidents for gravity sports athletes and cyclists, it’s a treasure to interact on cycling safety together with Volvo Cars. They have the vision, competence and experience and have been leading the development within road safety for more than 80 years,” says Stefan Ytterborn, POC CEO and founder.

The new partnership will explore and utilize possibilities to extend the safety knowledge and product offer for Volvo Cars as well as for POC. An initial research and development project is focusing on communication between cars and cyclists.

Communication with cyclists around the car is a possible extension of our groundbreaking Pedestrian and Cyclist Detection technology. Providing the cyclist with a confirmation that he or she is seen by the vehicle can make interaction between cars and cyclists smoother and safer in urban areas,” says Jan Ivarsson, Senior Manager, Safety Strategy and Requirements at Volvo Car Group.

POC is just about to release AVIP, it’s first road bike specific range including helmets, apparel, eyewear and accessories. AVIP stands for Attention, Visibility, Interaction and Protection and is POC’s most ambitious initiative to date, promoting safety for road cyclists.

The partnership with POC will be inspiring and fruitful. Both of our companies have a strong emphasis on safety and protection. POC can inspire us to make safety an emotional experience and to create even more desirable cars”, says Thomas Ingenlath, Senior Vice President Design of Volvo Car Group. “POC’s products blend functional design with lightweight, high performance materials that offer the ultimate sense of freedom and protection when things really get rough. This is perfectly in tune with our aim to make functionality and safety an emotional experience,”

The first results of the partnership will be presented in the second half of 2014.

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11 years ago

Still an extension of us v them, inside v outside. A barrier to hide behind, a way to add to peace of mind and excuses to drivers. An erosion of skill and responsibility with the same privileges.

11 years ago

Step 1 is a harsher penalties for injuring other road users. That is the root of the problem.

Psi Squared
Psi Squared
11 years ago

Uhm, it’s a tool that could help cyclists. Tools can be used poorly or not at all, but otherwise innovations such as this aren’t an extension of any us vs. them kind. Improving the lot of cyclists on the road doesn’t have just one solution. That’s a given, but something like this could be part part of solution. That’s what matters.

By the way, puffy, your comments are pretty much us vs. them comments. Another part of the solution is getting rid of the us vs. them attitude, including yours.

WV Cycling
11 years ago

Could they implement a low voltage radio wave device in a helmet, then a sensor in the cars to detect when a helmet/cyclist in a helmet is within x-amount of proximity to you?

11 years ago

+1 to puffy, this device enables distracted drivers!

plus, in reality, it’ll go off all the freakin time, then the driver will just turn it off anyway.

Volvo ought to stick with JCvD for marketing

11 years ago

@WV Cycling…there is a company making a system similar to that using NFC chips for bicyclists and detection equipment for the four plus wheeled vehicles.

11 years ago

Umm, yeah. At this point, anything a helmet company does is suspect. When your living depends on fear and destruction, how credible can you really be?

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