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Wolf Tooth Components Teases Replacement Derailleur Cage with 3D Printed Prototype

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wolf Tooth components lindarets goat link derailleur adapter (8)

We joke around that Wolf Tooth Components turns out new products fast enough that we have to visit their booth every day at trade shows just to make sure we don’t miss anything new. In all actuality, we’re only partially joking. After checking out the new stainless direct mount rings, prototype oval rings, and the new 64 BCD rings and bash guard, we stopped by the very next day and WTC had the new Lindarets X WTC GoatLink, plus this interesting blue derailleur cage.

Still very much in prototype phase, the 3D printed cage hints at what’s to come in the near future…

wolf Tooth components lindarets goat link derailleur adapter (1)

One of WTC’s biggest concerns when designing the derailleur cage is to eliminate the potential of the chain catching on the lever arm of the derailleur. According to WTC depending on your set up, current designs have the potential of jamming up since the offset upper pulley places the chain closer to the derailleur but it is very bike and set up dependent. The use of 3D printing allows WTC to quickly create working prototypes that allows them to test the clearance of different set ups before turning on their machines. Like other replacement cages the WTC cage will offset the upper pulley, but the question lies in the geometry of the cage.

Information on pricing and availability is still pretty far out, but we’re guessing this will be something for one of the trade shows later this year…


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10 years ago

This. This is how you use 3D printers.

10 years ago

At this point, they’re basically just dodging patents. You’d think they would’ve just released an entire derailleur if that weren’t the case.

10 years ago

Please make this WTC!

10 years ago

I definitely see SRAM buying these guys soon

10 years ago

did they even need to use a 3d printer for that? some delrin, a saw, and a drill could’ve even rapidly-er-ly made that.

10 years ago

these guys make some great components, but for this one i really gotta ask the question- why? my derailleur cage pretty much does what its meant to do quite well right now…

10 years ago

This is for running the 40/42T 10spd cassette adapters with a Shimano rear derailleur, which, in stock form, don’t fare well in trying to hit those 40t+ cogs without some modification. One Up already has a model in two versions that is being used with a lot of success.

10 years ago

Wonder if OneUp has their identical product patented. Probably not. The chain doesn’t interfere with the derailer arm if you have the chain sized correctly. Big/Big, then add two full links, or four half links, however you want to define it.

10 years ago

@alistair: I’d say Shimano buying them would be the logical move. SRAM rear derailleurs don’t need any of the extra fancy bits these small companies are making to adapt the Shimano original RDs to work with extended range cassettes.

10 years ago

@Paraguay they are using FDM 3d models to check different kind of cages,and if you want to experiment different shapes without wasting time having components ready to assemble this is the faster and cheaper way ( I think this cage need 10 min of 3d modellation and 30 min to print).
Probably with a smart design could be possible to print a 3d working cage for normal Use.

10 years ago

@luiggi youre definitely correct

10 years ago

Buy them? Not likely! Rip them off? You bet. Even with all their resources the big Co’s are not as in touch as small companies are. Many of the best new ideas were born from small companies that are right on the ground using and fixing stuff. But lets not forget that WT is fixing problems they helped create. Sell out of range cogs, then sell the fix! I promise you I was all set to order one of their big cog set ups today so I could go single ring on my pig of a bike I needed lower than 36t on. I started looking at the prices of all the bits and my chain is done and rest of cogs with it so more $ there and how long will a 2 year old shifter and derailleur last and realized I could order up XX1 and have a new drive train. my rear hub converts to 11 so I get a 10t which means smaller ring for lower low and not loose all the top end! I did go with a drop stop ring instead of the SRAM though… So, pay up front or pay as you go.

10 years ago

When are the drive train hackers going to come up with something unique and innovative instead of ripping each other off? Wolf Tooth, One Up, Hope and General Lee are all chasing each other in circles.

Eric Hansen
Eric Hansen
10 years ago

@jason – each one has some unique components. Well, most of them. WTC has an array of direct mount narrow/wide rings. OneUp has the RADr cage and 16t cog. e.13 has three manufacturer and cassette size specific top end cogs. No one company is ascendant.

10 years ago

SRAM derailleurs offset the pulley already, & have since at least 9 speed.

10 years ago

Id like to see WTC make an 11spd road/ cross cassette(10-28?) that uses the XD driver, but is compatible with the cx1 or any 11 spd drivetrain……on yeah, forgot about the current subject, I like this product.

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