Coming to the BIG screen in December, Bikes vs Cars is a documentary by Director Fredrik Gertten that investigates the daily traffic drama around the world. It centers on how politicians who work for change are facing a multi-billion dollar car, oil and construction industry that use all their means to keep society car dependent. Activists and cities all over the world are moving towards a new system, but will the economic powers allow it?
The movie spotlights moments like in Toronto, when everyone’s favorite crack smoking mayor Rob Ford stripped away the city’s bike lanes in his battle to win the opposing “war on cars,” followed then by members of the Urban Repair Squad attacking the pavement at night, using spray paint and stencils to replace them.
Safely roll past the break to see the movie’s trailer and where it’s premiering…..
Bikes vs Cars looks at both the struggle for bicyclists in a society dominated by cars, and the revolutionary changes that could take place if more cities moved away from car-centric models. It’s an uneven fight, but the movie is aimed at further validating the importance of reconsidering the future of transportation infrastructure and how the bicycle can improve it.
Bikes vs Cars will premiere in theaters in December alongside a new Bike Data App as part of the film-inspired movement. The app tracks the distance covered during the user’s cycling trips and converts that data into CO2 emissions saved. Using this data, the app is able to provide information on both an individual and a collective impact. While the user will be able to track and record their own bike trips, their data will be shared so that a total number of kilometers traveled and CO2/oil saved per city will be displayed.
The Bikes vs Cars app will also serve as a political tool so the data can fuel a larger political discussion around traffic, oil and climate change. It’ll also function as feedback for city-planners that can lead to increased “traffic-calming” measures being installed where they’re needed the most.
Theatrical release starts December 4 at Cinema Village in New York and Laemmle Monicas in Los Angeles.