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Topeak Inflates Product line with Tubeless Floor Pump, Light Up Accessories, Tools, and Much More

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It wasn’t that long ago that bike shops had the choice to stock pumps for high pressure, or even higher pressure. Now that there are so many tire sizes and the addition of hard to seat tubeless options, floor pump selection has diversified to meet those needs.

Topeak may have earned their black and yellow reputation with the Joe Blow, but it continues with a new range of useful floor pumps. Depending on the use, each new pump has some interesting features – some of which we’ve seen before…

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Likely to be the most talked about is the new Joe Blow Booster. Not exactly breaking new ground, the Booster uses a very similar design to the Bontrager Flash Charger which uses a secondary air chamber to “charge” the pump. Once the pump is charged a simple turn of the upper bezel releases the air allowing easy seating of tubeless tires. Equipped with the Topeak smart head for both presta and schrader valves, the pump will inflate up to 160 psi and includes a built in pressure release valve. Pricing and availability weren’t available at the time of the show.

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For a more unique pump, Topeak had the new Dualie on display which is their take on a pump for fat bikes. Built with two different gauges, the first reads up to 30 psi in single psi increments while the second reads up to 75 psi for higher pressures. The pump will automatically switch from one gauge to the next once the appropriate pressure is reached, and the pump head has an easy switch design between presta and schrader.

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Also, there will be a new Joe Blow Elite which uses a hardened steel base and a solid steel barrel for a heavyweight pump that includes a gauge built into the handle.

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Expanding the range of Prepstands, Topeak will offer the new ZXP model which is a bike stand and pump, all in one. The stand is adjustable vertically, has a shelf for your tools, and a long hose to reach the bike while in the stand.

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For more permanent bike hanging, Topeak will have a new bike display/storage option that holds the bike by the front wheel while the rear rests on a special block. The rack pivots from side to side allowing easy loading and the ability to swing the bike as close to the wall as possible to save room.

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In the visibility department Topeak will have an interesting line of LED products that will turn your water bottle, saddle bag, and fenders into their own “lights,” as well as a number of more traditional lights to strap to your bike.

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The same goes for computer, camera, and light mounting with a number of new products to bolt everything to your bike…

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…or ways to carry it on the back, even if your ride happens to be a fat bike.

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Finally, of course there were plenty of tools. Topeak will have two different portable torque wrench options with the Nano Torqbar and Torqbox (not shown). Both include one preset allen socket for 4, 5, or 6Nm which allow you to change between the included 3, 4, and 5mm allen bits and T20, T25 Torx bits. The Torqbar has integrated storage for 2 bits, and the Torqbox builds the tech into an add on for any multi tool. Topeak was also still showing their new range of hidden tools and the newest version of the Tool Monsters.

For more info check with your local retailer or head to topeak.com.

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9 years ago

Wow, they finally made their pump dials legible…meaning, I know where 100psi is, not just the number. Took them long enough…

9 years ago

The dualie would be really nice if designed for MTB/Road use. Say 0-50 psi for MTB (in 2 psi increments) and 54-120 for road (is anyone really running higher road tire pressures?).
For fat bikes, I just use a separate digital gauge since the pressure is so low.

My $0.02 (probably only worth 0.01)

9 years ago

Some nice products there. Back when I was in retail we sold a lot of Topeak, always liked their good quality and innovative stuff.

9 years ago

The Bontrager pump for tubeless seating is the Flash Charger, not the Turbo Charger as stated in this article.

9 years ago

I love my Topeak floor pumps, but find the JoeBlow Sport (and probably others) to have strange dials where there are four hash marks between 20-psi numbers, meaning that each of the five spaces is 4-psi. It’s not a big problem, just weird.

9 years ago

Next year comes the triple, 3 gauges, MTB, road and fat then for 2016 a new single gauge that does them all, bit like chain sets where we all needed more but now we have 1x

9 years ago

Love my Joe Blow & keen for a nice tubeless pump.

9 years ago

Also, those ‘NINJA’ integrated tools look nice. Me likey.

9 years ago

All the features they show in pumps are a nice start, but none seem to be there yet. Dual heads: like JBikes said, I like the idea, but would much prefer a road and mtb range – 35-75psi is kind of no mans land, higher than a MTB, lower than a road bike. Above about 40, I don’t really need more than 5psi accuracy, but I do need the ability to go up to 120.

What I’d really like is the tubless charger, dual heads (only a useful version), built into a workstand. If they’re taking requests, forget about the ‘smart head’, after a couple uses they leak on presta heads making them a huge compromise just to make it a tiny bit easier to do something most of us never do with a bike pump (i.e., inflate a schrader tire). A dual chuck is 99% as easy and works a lot better most of the time.

9 months ago

Hello 🙂

Do somebody know if the Topeak prepstand zxp is still available or where can it be bought?

Best regards

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