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EB16: Hexlox completes the set with discreet locks for bolt on and QR wheels, saddles, and seat posts

hexlox locking axle for bicycle wheels
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As of this post going live, the creators of the smallest and lightest bicycle locks have crushed their Kickstarter goal, started shipping, and no one has been able to pick the patent pending HexLox yet.

That has given Ian and Marcus the ability to focus on what’s next – namely a few holes in the lock line up for complete bike security. Next up on the list are ways to lock up your wheels and your saddle and seat post. And that’s exactly what they were showing at Eurobike…

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hexloc allen bolt locking system anti theft hexloc allen bolt locking system anti theft-4


In order to provide a solution for bolt-on wheels, HexLox had to come up with a new wheel nut first. Starting with a stainless steel nut with an Allen fitting, the nut has an additional stainless steel cone around the outside that is free to spin.

The cone can’t be crushed and the conical profile and stainless steel surface makes it very difficult to grip with pliers. Once the Allen bolt is fitted with a HexLox (details on the original here), it becomes almost impossible to remove the wheel without a key. Marcus says that in testing, some fixie riders have been using the system without a HexLox installed simply as a replacement axle nut, though the intention is to use it with a lock.

Axle nuts will be available to fit M9, M10, and 3/8″ axles and will sell for €20 each. They imagine most users will only use one per wheel since that will effectively lock the wheel in place, but there is no reason you can’t use two to have the same hardware on each side.

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They have also created a system for quick release wheels which use aluminum cones but with a keyed tab to fit into the dropouts. This prevents the cones from being able to turn, and one side is locked with a HexLox to secure the wheel.

The side with the HexLox can then be covered with a cap, so they marked the side with the lock with a red dot in the middle of the ‘O’. QR skewers will be available for standard 100mm front and 130/135mm rear and will be sold for €10 per lock, or two with a key for €20.


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HexLox rounds out the locking story with a new Guts clamp style nut that is HexLox compatible and a new bolt that will fit most bolt on seat post collars that is also HexLox compatible. Combined with a HexLox for steel seat post saddle clamps, you have a complete security set for your pricey saddles and posts.

Future products on the horizon include an M8 HexLox for pedals, and more to come. Standard HexLox will start shipping to non-Kickstarter customers this week, and many of the products above will arrive mid October.


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Marty A.
Marty A.
8 years ago

This is a total scam. I was sold by the Kickstarter page, but it’s totally misleading. I was able to remove all 3 of my Hexlox with a tiny rare earth magnet in just a few seconds. The key is not exclusive or unique even though they claim it is. I have several videos of me removing the Hexlox I would be more than happy to share. They should refund everyones money before people start loosing bike parts and get really pissed off.

8 years ago
Reply to  Marty A.

Can you link the video?

8 years ago
Reply to  Marty A.

Hey Marty, you have stainless steel bolts, Hexlox stay in via a magnet, you can either swap your bolts or there is a magnetic inserts that make any stainless, Ti or Alu bolt compatible.

Chadia Brenn
Chadia Brenn
8 years ago

I love my Hexlox! Received them now in January but it was worth waiting for.
It was though pretty clear that they only work with Steelscrews, (deleted).

7 years ago

How unique are the keys? I have a LBS that sells what they describe as Key A, B, C separately. Does that mean anybody with any of these keys have a 1 in 3 chance of being able to undo the bolts a hexlox?

Pete O'Donnell
Pete O'Donnell
7 years ago

All Bike Shops sell A, B and C, but different shops have different A, B and C’s, if that makes sense.

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