Hustle Bike Labs are on the precipice of releasing their REM magnetic flat pedals for mountain biking, combining the the connection of a clipless pedal, with its improved pedalling efficiency, but the freedom of a flat pedal with safer release options. We know very little about these magnetic flat pedals, only the little that can be gleaned from this single image and this interview with founder, Craig Payne. However, they’re about to be officially introduced in less than a month.
Hustle REM magnetic flat pedals

What do we actually know?
Hustle say the REM magnetic pedals offer “the ease-of-use and increased contact area of platforms without the issue of slipping off prematurely; and the improved efficiency and stability of clipless without getting “locked in.” The pedal looks a lot more like a traditional flat platform pedal than a clipless pedal, with a CNC-machined platform with nine pins, surrounding the circular magnets at the centre, mounted on what looks to be a polymer base.

And, if you look closely at the above photo from Hustle’s Instagram feed, you’ll see that the central piece holding the magnets can rotate within the pedal platform. This would be a major difference from other magnetic pedals like the MagLOCK which has a fixed center section with the magnets under a stainless steel plate. Theoretically, this could make the Hustle pedals feel more like a standard clipless pedal, but with easier egress.
What we can’t infer from the photos is just how strong those magnets will be, and what shoe they will be paired with. As far as we know, Hustle Bike Labs haven’t been working on a complimentary shoe, thus we’re assuming it will use a steel cleat like MagLOCK to pair with the REM magnetic flat pedals specifically.

Most mountain bike riders have a seriously strong preference for either clipless pedals or flat platform pedals, with very few, that I know of, flitting between the two. I personally ride flats but have often considered transitioning to clipless pedals for the improved pedalling efficiency and the fact that you no longer need to worry about where your feet are on the pedals; they’re exactly where they need to be. That is until you crash, and end up in a horrible tangled mess with your bike on top of you; it is my fear of that unfortunate event occurring that has prevented me, and many others, thus far.

Founder of Hustle Bike Labs, Craig Payne, was on clipless pedals the day he came a cropper while riding knife-edge single track in Moab Utah, sparking his desire to design the REM magnetic flat pedals. In his words, “I’m riding one of the iconic trails in this magical landscape; my adrenaline was high. The biggest challenge of the ride is just around the corner. The trail is now becoming very narrow. There’s a canyon wall on my left and, on my right, is a cliff…the Colorado River several hundred feet below. I’m riding that thin line between confidence and fear. What happened next nearly killed me. I’m approaching a rock garden too fast, bounce off a boulder, and it causes me to lose my balance. The only way to stay in control is to use my feet. However, I’m clipped into the pedal and cannot release them fast enough. I’m falling, rolling, and now holding onto to a boulder. My legs are hanging over the cliff edge. All of this could have been avoided if I could have quickly released my shoe away from the pedal.”

At that moment, Craig realized he had a problem that needed to be solved but it wasn’t until later that he realized many other mountain bikers share this pain as well. Now, post R&D, Craig is set to show the Hustle REM magnetic flat pedals for the first time at OR Winter, where Hustle Bike Labs have been listed as finalists for the Outdoor Retailer Innovation Awards 2020.
Pricing & Availability
No word on pricing, but we’ve heard that the REM magnetic flat pedals will be shipped in Spring, and will be at Sea Otter Classic in April. Hit the link below, bash your email address into the space provided, and wait to be one of the first to hear the juicy details of the magnetic MTB pedals.