When it comes to frame bags, custom fit is king. “Universal” fit bags often work, but usually include sacrifices in overall fit due to the numerous frame shapes and sizes out there. To make it easier for their customers to find the perfect bag for their frame, Niner has been offering custom fit bags for their own bikes for some time now. The most recent additions include strapless frame bags that are meant to fit their 2020 gravel bikes including the RLT and MCR.
Key to the Niner bags’ performance and look is something we wish more manufacturers would add to their frames – braze ons inside the frame that replace the need for velcro straps. Not only are straps a pain to install onto a frame, they also potentially interfere with top tube bags, can catch on your shorts, rub through the finish on your frame, and they also just don’t look nearly as clean as a bolt-on bag. Now that Niner has braze ons on every gravel bike except the RLT Apex, you’ll have the option of a beautiful, perfectly fit bag if you need to carry more gear.
The frame bag is shaped so that depending on the frame size, you should still be able to fit at least one bottle cage inside the frame. There are three bolts that hold the bag in place (two on top, one on the front), and the bags are designed to fit the 2020 Niner RLT 9 RDO, RLT 9 Steel, RLT 9, and MCR 9 RDO.
Even with a custom designed frame bag you still have to accommodated different frame sizes. Which is why this bag will be offered in five different sizes to fit their range of bikes.
Each bag is made from water resistant canvas with a sealed zipper to keep your belongings dry. To keep them in place and quiet, the bag is padded with an internal spine to help keep its shape. Each Front Triangle bag will sell for $65.
To go along with the frame bag, Niner will have matching top tube bags which are a perfect spot to stash small essentials. The Niner bag looks relatively compact which is good to prevent the bag from rubbing on your knees (especially on smaller frames). Like the frame bag, the top tube bag bolts on for a clean look and easy installation. These will sell for $25.
Finally, Niner has another matching product with their ride wallet. The wallet has a bunch of internal pockets and storage for things like your phone, ID, credit cards, cash, and anything else you normally bring along for a ride. You can pick one of these up for $35. All of these bags are expected to start shipping this week.