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Ridiculous Downhill Run in the Peruvian Mountains

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Its hard to shoot killer video with a POV camera because they make trails appear more manageable than they are in reality. Big doubles and huge gaps appear as just short blips of air time, and incredibly steep descents and nasty rock gardens look relatively flat. That’s why this clip by Peruvian downhill mountain biker Alejandro Paz, 28,  is particularly insane.

Skip ahead 20 seconds and you’ll understand why this video has gone viral. Shot on the San Pedro Casta trail outside Lima, Peru, it’s racked up over a million views since being posted 1 week ago!

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12 years ago

Gravity is amazingly strong in that area of the world!

12 years ago

he’s pedaling a lot and not going that fast (no wind noise) so I think this trail isn’t very steep.

I don’t get why this vid has so many views.

12 years ago

whoops turned up the volume and can hear the wind:) still doesn’t look that gnarly which proves the point about POV video

12 years ago

Dave, you must be the gnarliest person on earth then. Have at it Hoss..

I on the other hand think this video itself may have been sped up a little.

12 years ago

Dude, that guy is ripping through that rock garden. Everything on his periphery is like warp speed, but I agree, for the most part that trail doesn’t look really gnar. Lots of peddling. Which proves the point, DH do pedal.

12 years ago

Repeat after me – “Do NOT fall”, “Do NOT fall”, “Do NOT fall”, “Do NOT fall”, ……

12 years ago

“I on the other hand think this video itself may have been sped up a little.”

A little? 🙂

Notice how quickly the bike returns to the ground when it catches air. Unless they have special gravity there the video is definitely sped up.

12 years ago

WHAT??, ¿The video is sped up??, ¿this trail isn’t very steep??…..hahahahahaha,
I would like to see you there to laugh at you.
I recommend you to take a parachute on your back if you ever have the courage to do this route.
¡Good job Alejandro!, Specialized rider.

12 years ago

I hope this video is sped up, otherwise this guy is the best downhiller I’ve ever seen or has a deathwish. Those drops on the right were enough to give me butterflies just from the video.

12 years ago

Not sped up. You can hear his breathing.

12 years ago

It seems to be real speed, I have a go pro with the wide angle lens and it makes things look a LOT steeper and faster… and the shifting click sounds, and impacts with vegetation sound like they do on my vids… “Stay on your bike Danny, stay on your bike!”

12 years ago

Audio is not evidence, gravity accelerates at 9.8 m/s/s ALWAYS. Watch the bike leave the ground and then get sucked back to it as if by magic. You can fake a lot of things but you can’t change that. Cyclists aren’t scientists, that’s for sure.

Of course, you can always explain it as an optical illusion, but then the whole thing is an optical illusion.

12 years ago

“Notice how quickly the bike returns to the ground when it catches air. Unless they have special gravity there the video is definitely sped up.” LOL!
Have you ever gone downhilling? Have you ever made a video while downhilling? Alejandro is sucking up the hits with his knees and elbows so that he can keep the tires in contact with the ground in order to make the next turn. He’s quite deliberately not catching air on this track because that’s not how you go faster on this kind of terrain. If your tires aren’t touching the ground, you can’t steer.

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