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A Tricycle That Leans Into Turns, Dreisch Teaches Your Kid The Feel Of Riding

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Dreisch Leaning Trike

The reason balance bikes work so well compared to training wheels is they let toddlers lean into the turns, replicating what’ll happen on a regular bike and teaching them to stay upright and corner properly. While it’s rare to get a tricycle going fast enough to flip, Brothers Rich and Steve Thrush thought a trike that would teach children how it actually feels to ride a bicycle was a good idea. Apparently others agreed and the Kickstarter project met its funding goal and they now have their own company called Dreisch Leaning Tricycles.

The Dreisch is more than just a tricycle with a hinge on the back, it actually has a linkage arm that moves across the frame, and specifically turns the front fork in the correct amount of the lean, and keeps the trike from leaning to one side when going straight. This link also limits the lean angle of the trike to prevent mishaps. See what else it can do after the jump…

Dreisch Leaning Trike

The trike has an adjustable seat to allow use from 2.5 years old to 5 years old, inflatable rubber tires and parts that are made in America. The Kickstarter campaign is already over, but you should be able to get one soon for $299.

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10 years ago

Nitpick: “specifically turns the front fork in the correct amount of the lean” There is no such correct amount, since it depends on the speed you’re going. So you have to go with a sensible average speed for the given rider.

Still, cool idea. I see it more as an alternative to the fixed tricycle and running bike than as a new step in the ladder towards a normal bike, since it’s usable life would be very short given that 3-4 year olds can already manage running bikes (and unicycles, for that matter, but those kids don’t have entirely normal parents). OTOH there’s something to be said for the light weight and easy portability of the running bike.

10 years ago

It certainly looks better than any tricycle or bicycle w/ training wheels. I also like the fact that it isn’t priced ridiculously high like so many quality “kid’s bikes” that get shopped here.

10 years ago

Didn’t that guy just lean his bike over with the wrong foot down? Maybe he has his own lean-limiter on his bike

10 years ago

Gunnstein, its about introducing the concept of lean that is foreign to a kid moving from a trike to a bike. Perhaps “…correct amount of lean” is a little over reaching, but really, how fast is a kid on flat ground gonna go? Taking that into account it probably is a reasonably accurate statement.

10 years ago

@Gillis Sure, a kid on a fixed gear trike has a lower speed range than an adult on a geared bike, so the error will be less. I’m sure it works and the kids are happy with it. I just wanted to mention it, since I’ve actually tried a leaning trike for adults, using the same principle as yours (leaning and stearing angles hard linked to each other). And that didn’t feel right. When going slow it would lean to far, and at speed it would not lean enough. It felt nothing like a free leaning bike.

10 years ago

Addendum: If there is a problem with the concept, I think it’s that this will NOT teach countersteering. And that’s what riding any two-wheeler is all about. You can’t countersteer when lean and steer are not independent from each other. So the kids get a feeling of one limited aspect of bike riding – but when they start with actual bikes they need to learn steering all over again. (Which isn’t a problem really – kids learn so quickly anyway.)

10 years ago

i thought the whole point of balance bikes was that you can skip both tricycles and training wheels?

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