A last minute addition to Bikerumor Media Cup competitors, MTBRaceNews.com’s Shannon Boffeli has thrown his hat into the ring. The BMC is the race within a race for us blogger/journo folk at the 2010 Breck Epic. So far, you’ve met Rich “Team Dicky†Dillen and Doper Suck’s Brandon Dwight, Jasen Thorpe, and yours truly, Tyler Benedict, Misfit Psycles’ Peter Keiller, and Mountain Flyer Magazine’s Jordan Carr. Now, truly bringing up the rear, is race reporter and founder of MTBRaceNews.com, Shannon Boffeli:
Name: Shannon Boffeli
Hometown: LaMotte, Iowa (Now Salt Lake City)
Breck Epic Race Bike: 2010 Felt Team Nine?Bike Spec: Cannondale lefty fork, Stan’s No Tubes Race 29er, Ergon GX-1 grips, Race Face cranks and riser bar, Easton post, and XTR drive
Bike Weight: 21lbs 1ozAd Libs:  My name’s Shannon Boffeli and I’ve been riding bikes since I was fifteen years old and racing for about 19 years longer than I haven’t been racing bikes, weird. I started racing bikes as soon as I started riding, no one in the Midwest just rides, everyone races. My favorite racing accomplishment is beating my wife an I finished 7th at the 2007 TransAlp, best race experience ever!
I’m ‘racing’ in the Bikerumor Media Cup because I started MTBRaceNews.com specifically to talk about exciting races like this one and I like being in any kind of competition. Unfortunately, Brandon Dwight is racing in the Cup too, which sucks because you might not of noticed, but he podiumed here last year and was rubbing elbows with Jeremiah Bishop and will likely embarrass us all. I would like to beat the altitude in Breck, it routinely kicks my ass.
Thus far, my training has consisted of a little racing, a little training, and more time spent on the internet than a porn addict. In the month leading up to the Breck Epic this August, I’ll be preparing by riding my mountain bike until my taint has impenetrable protective callus that will withstand 6 stages on a hardtail.
If I win the Cup, I’ll celebrate by retreating to somewhere with more oxygen and spending another week marking the Park City Point to Point course by bike. Basically back-to-back stage races.
An action shot of Shannon after the break…