What do F1 racer Jenson Button, golf star Rory McIlroy, and Olympian Jessica Ennis-Hill have in common? Other than being athletic superstars in their own right, each one also stars in this comical video from Santander Cycles. As the bikeshare program for London, the Santander Cycle fleet is getting an upgrade worthy of Star Wars hence the themed video after the jump…
After an initial test run of 250 Santander Cycles with positive results, London Mayor Boris Johnson announced that with Transportation for London and Santander, all 12,500 of the bike share cycles will be permanently fitted with the Blaze Laserlight. The Blaze projects an image of a bicycle on the street ahead of the cyclist so that vehicles and pedestrians have a heads up that a cyclist is approaching. Installed directly in the bike’s frame, each light will only turn on after dark. One area that the Laserlight has been proven to show a statistical improvement in visibility is when a cyclist is in a vehicle’s blind spot – with the TRL claiming a 25% reduction of blind spot around HGVs or trucks.
Read more about the Blaze Laserlight here.