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Brembo Buys Öhlins, Promises ‘Conversion of Racetrack Innovation into Consumer Products’

Brembo buys Öhlins Racing, rejuvenating MTB suspension development, BMC Team XC bikes
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Already previewed late last fall, Öhlins Racing has been bought by Italian motorsports brake maker Brembo. It’s been a tumultuous few years for the premium Swedish suspension maker – and the cycling industry, as a whole. But Öhlins seems psyched to have been acquired by another premium brand steeped in two-wheel racing, and is optimistic that the innovative tech they’ve been working on will more quickly find its way into suspension components you and I can actually buy.

Does that mean electronically-controlled Öhlins XC & DH suspension is just around the corner? We’ll be in the race pits when the season starts to see if we can find out more…

Brembo buys Öhlins Racing, restokes MTB development

Brembo buys Öhlins Racing, rejuvenating MTB suspension development,

It’s been just 6 years since US automotive giant Tenneco bought out Öhlins, which then evolved into Driv. The Swedish racing suspension brand’s unique technologies were certainly appealing to the automotive parts conglomerate, and Öhlins benefited from some other motorsports suspension specialists under the same parent. But ultimately, an asset management company bought out Tenneco/Driv itself for restructuring in 2022. And maybe Öhlins didn’t fit well into the larger automotive group?

From 2023-mid 2024 Öhlins restructured its mountain bike suspension development to be more efficient, at the same time as launching an all-new XC suspension category.

Brembo buys Öhlins Racing, rejuvenating MTB suspension development, DH setup

Doubling down on refining their now wide XC to DH range and at the same time continuing to use elite MTB racing as a testing grounds, it seemed like it might be a while until we saw more Öhlins suspension innovations. It’s true that outside of XC, their release of all-new commercial products seemed to have slowed a bit in recent years. But still, we keep spotting cutting-edge mountain bike suspension prototypes raced on the World Cup circuit.

Brembo buys Öhlins Racing, rejuvenating MTB suspension development,  World CUp DH setup
(Photo by Billy Ceusters/Öhlins)

And now, under the auspices of Brembo – a more innovation-driven parent company, Öhlins suggests that their newly “reallocated resources and focus will increase the conversion of racetrack innovation into consumer products.

“As of January 2nd, Öhlins Racing is part of the Brembo Group. The companies share the same passion for innovation, technology and performance; as well as the desire to be the best at what they do. There’s great excitement within the Öhlins organization to now join forces with Brembo, a brand and company that matches Öhlins’ ambition to be at the forefront of everything that they do.”

They call it “new beginnings for Öhlins Racing’s Mountain Bike segment under Brembo’s ownership“.

What should we expect?

loic bruni specialized demo ohlins prototype active mtb suspension
(Photo/Jordan Villella)

Those statements from Öhlins sound to me like confirmation that they are excited to turn those new XC & DH suspension prototypes that we’ve spotted on the World Cup into real consumer products.

What we’ve seen has included Loic Bruni racing DH with a Specialized Demo built up with an electronically-actuated Öhlins TTX22 coil shock – possibly both automated and manually operated.

(Photo/Jessi-May Morgan)

And then again a year later on a prototype Demo, again with Öhlins DH suspension and some sneaky electronic remote controls.

prototype Specialized  Demo DH bike with electronically controlled Ohlins suspension prototypes, a DH38 with lightweight clamps, and that colorful video game-like remote controlled and 3 colored indicator LEDs
(Photo/Cory Benson)

And just last year with Finn Iles racing a further developed Demo prototype, again with electronically controlled suspension prototypes, a DH38 with lightweight clamps, and that colorful video game-like remote controlled and 3 colored indicator LEDs on his top cap.

Öhlins prototype electronic XC mountain bike suspension raced at Nove Mesto MTB World Cup, unwrapped and up close
(Photo/Cory Benson)

Then, even though we only spotted the first Öhlins XC race forks & shocks in early 2023, by the start of the 2024 racing season we already were spotting electronically-controlled XC suspension too. These had smaller remote switches, and no prominent indicator LEDs, but there’s undeniably some prototype Öhlins suspension control happening in that little black box.

My guess is that we’ll see a lot more of both of these when the 2025 World Cup comes around. Hopefully, we could even see commercial versions of both available to the public by the end of this year…


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1 month ago

Ah, but will we see BREMBO 4 and 6 pot calipers now ???

1 month ago

The cheapest you can find their alu-steerer XC fork for with remote is about €1500. You can get a SID flight attendant for about €1100 – which ftr is also way too expensive. Anyway, they’re not Intend … Ohlins prices just aren’t realistic. Brembo need to do something about that.

1 month ago
Reply to  Oliver

Generally, I agree with you and believe most bike stuff is just too expensive now.

But I think it really depends on what level the product is at. I got to mess around with an Ohlins grand prix motorcycle fork leg about 11-12 years ago. It was amazing and totally blows anything sold in the bike world out of the water for friction free, quality suspension. The fork leg would sag under its own weight there was so little friction. So if they’re selling that level of quality then the price is justifiable.

If it’s just like Fox and Rock Shox level stuff then, yeah better figure out how to get prices in line.

But it seems Brembo might be the right partner. They use brembo brakes in. Moto GP and F1 which I assume are amazing wonders of quality and technology and prices accordingly, but I can also buy totally budget Brembo rotors for my 2001 vw that were still decent quality and priced in the budget daily driver parts level.

More competition in the bike suspension space is good.

1 month ago
Reply to  HDManitoba

I don’t think Ohlins MTB stuff is anywhere near the level of quality that you’re implying. Hence my comparison to Intend – who blow them out of the water. Seals are better, but I wouldn’t say otherwise that Ohlins are either dramatically higher quality or significantly higher function than Fox or RS.

Last edited 1 month ago by Oliver
1 month ago

In the USA we can get Manitou which is just as good for much cheaper and with better support. Ohlins has a tough row to hoe but they have some advantages such as the TTX coil.

26 days ago

MTB OEM suspension is the shame of the bike industry IMO. I’ve multiple times experienced downgraded product on complete bikes – like RS Ultimate branded forks with Select sliders, or crowns and even down graded cartridges vs aftermarket product. And they don’t appear to get called out for it. Basic MTB suspension is criminally bad, but most don’t know what good looks like. Even the regular premium stuff is average and only gets improved when a competitor one ups them. Not motivated to improve, they probably have ten years of upgrade paths to sit back on. The market is ripe for disruption. The product being sold is worth a tenth of its price with the exception of some niche manufacturers.

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