Of all of the different styles of bikes, folding bikes may be the most misunderstood. What are the little wheels like? Will the bike fit in my trunk? In my apartment? What’s it like to live with on a daily basis? These are all worthy questions and seem to be the motivation behind Brompton’s #OnTheRoad tour.
Already underway, Brompton is starting out with the East coast with 12 different cities on the calendar. Those who register ahead of time for the demo tour can drop by the event, pick up a Brompton folder, and keep it for an entire 24 hours free of charge. This should allow potential customers to take it past the typical parking lot test ride and actually see what it’s like to stash the bike in your trunk, carry it up the stairs to your apartment, take public transit, or any other day to day ride options…
- June 12 – Boston, MA
- June 15 – Providence, RI
- June 17 – New Haven, CT
- June 19 – Philadelphia, PA
- June 21 – Baltimore, MD
- June 23 – Washington DC
- June 25 – Vienna, VA
- June 28 – Richmond, VA
- June 29 – Raleigh, NC
- July 3 – Savannah, GA
- July 6 – Orlando, FL
- July 8 – St. Petersburg, FL
The start of the #OnTheRoad tour includes 12 stops making their way down the East coast finishing up in Florida. If you don’t live near the Atlantic, Brompton says tour legs for the Midwest and West Coast will soon be announced.
The next stop is tomorrow in Baltimore, MD, and it looks like there is still time to register by clicking on the link above.