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CatEye looking to rebrand, become more “Fun and Sassy”

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CatEye Loop and Orbit Light Set

CateEye is making it know that they are undergoing a radical re-branding, with the help of design gurus over at Moxie Sozo.  CatEye is looking to reconnect with the public, and show they are a cutting edge, innovative electronics producer.

As for those lights, CatEye has had the Loop and Orbit out for a while now.  Look for a review soon.  My apartment is turning into a storage room for commuter lights!

Jump past the break for video evidence of their new, more fun, sassy image.

Time lapse film of how our latest ad for the Q Series multisports computer came into being…

CatEye is proud to announce a radical rebranding of our image. In an effort to reconnect the public with our tradition as a cutting edge, innovative electronics producer, we’ve teamed with the design gurus at Moxie Sozo to create an exciting new ad campaign for our 2011 line.

Teaser ‘making of’ videos have been posted on our YouTube page, which can be seen at youtube.com/cateyeusa. The ads will be featured in their entirety in the March editions of Bicycling Magazine, Bicycle Times, Dirt Rag, Velo News and Men’s Journal. Look for them on newsstands everywhere.

To view the rest of their videos, visit their YouTube page.

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14 years ago

I guess Knog drank their milkshake. I’m not sure the world needs a larger variety of hipster cysts. The Superflash turbo one article down appears to be a much more functional device.

14 years ago

How about adopting ANT+, and keeping to a sleek low profile computer?

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