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Cycliq’s Fly12 Looks After You, Your Bike and Itself with New Alarm Feature

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Cycliq Fly12 headlight/video camera with alarm

Australia’s accessory brand Cycliq wants you to be safe while you ride, and now they’re going to help keep your bike safe too. The company first made waves with their Fly6 rear light/camera combo, and after requests from Fly6 buyers they designed the Fly12 front-facing unit to match, which BikeRumor covered last month.

On the first day of the Fly12’s Kickstarter campaign, a consumer suggested a built-in alarm would be a nice addition. Well, ask and ye shall receive- Cycliq listened to their customers once again and added a smartphone-controlled alarm and app feature to all their Fly12’s. The product’s successful Kickstarter campaign finished just days ago and Cycliq is now focused on meeting their projected delivery times, which are expected for around this year’s Interbike show (September).

To find out how the new alarm feature works, click past the break…

Cycliq Fly12 alarm feature graphic
If all goes well, your attempted bike theft reads like a graphic novel with a happy ending.

So picture yourself finishing a great ride when you pull in for some window shopping at your local bike shop or stop for a cup of coffee. To activate the Fly12’s security feature, simply open the app on your iOS or Android smartphone and switch the alarm on. If your bike or the Fly12 itself is disturbed the unit will let out an audible alarm, turn the headlight to flashing mode and start recording with the video camera. Using Bluetooth connectivity an alarm simultaneously sounds on your smartphone to let you know something’s happening to your bike, or someone’s trying to steal the Fly12 off your handlebars.

Critics of this idea will probably point out that the Fly12’s alarm does not immobilize your bike, thus a clever thief might just pull the device off and toss it aside as they pedal away. If it were a standalone unit, it might not be such a great idea but built in with the Fly12’s many other useful features, it becomes a question of why not? You’ll know instantly if someone’s messing with your ride and get the best possible chance to stop the theft yourself. Even if you can’t, the flashing lights and alarm should draw a lot of attention and increase your chances of the thief quickly abandoning the bike.

For further information about the Fly12 check out Cycliq’s Kickstarter page.


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10 years ago

I don’t carry smart phone when I’m riding. I also do not use cycling computer comes with GPS for privacy reason.
Now, do I need to carry the smart phone to control Fly12 or it’s a one time setup and this can be done at home ?

10 years ago

It would be difficult to argue against “why not”, but if you must resort to that argument you’ve already acknowledged that the feature isn’t worth much.

The concepts in their products are good but I’ve read the rear camera lacks sufficient detail to be useful in reading a license plate. That’s the whole justification for a rear camera so why bother?. I’m also annoyed by any established company using Kickstarter to fund future products.

If I have a need and the product is available I will consider it but I have no interest in giving someone money now for a product that may be poor when delivered a year from now. A company needs to pay its dues in order to deserve its profit in an open market.

ascar larkinyar
ascar larkinyar
10 years ago

proud sponsor of this product at kickstarter.

i really wanted a 10 hour loop camera that can see license plates on play back. too many times cars have hit cyclist killing or injuring them without consequence due to driver lying about cyclist not being in bike lane or weaving. the “3 foot law” is in effect most places these days.

robert bullock
robert bullock
10 years ago

not sure preventing theft is going to do much good. it would be better to create a low-jack beacon hidden in the seat tube, with a smart phone tracking app for later recovery. IMHO. it probably already exists…

10 years ago

An ICE Dot style mobile app would be more useful IMO. Gen 2??

9 years ago

Make it bolt on. Don’t have a QR style clip to remove it, and this will help a lot. That way the theif would need maybe an allen wrench set to remove it (have two separate sizes?) to get the alarm off.

Kevin Corcoran
Kevin Corcoran
9 years ago

I have got the Fly6 mark2 and am really impressed with battery life and picture quality. It’s really easy to set up and use, your loop times will surely depend on the size of your memory card. I get about three hours loop time with the memory card supplied. No issues with water so far, I live in Scotland. Great piece of kit!

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