Photography by Duncan Philpott, the wildcard. Riders: Craig Evans, Rob Stokes, Ali Chapple, Joe Bowman, Cam Zink and Matt Jones.
Deep Summer is an annual photography competition held at Whistler during the Crankworx Festival. Six photographers are tasked with shooting a small group of riders over three days, then editing and compiling a 3-5 minute slideshow in 24 hours. In the past, photographer were only allowed to shoot within the park, but this year the rules were relaxed and teams could use the epic backdrop of Squamish and Pemberton.
If you love amazing scenery, great riding, and delicate lighting, then you’ll love these four slideshows we’ve collected. Drop past the break and scroll to the bottom to check out Nicolas Teichrob’s winning entry!
Photography by Garret Grove
Riders: Kevin Landry, Geoff Gulevich, Darcy Turenne, Ollie Jones
Photography by Scott Markewitz
Riders: Michi Tillmann, Andi Tillmann, Flo Berghammer, Nic Pescetto, Kyle Jameson
Photography by Nicolas Teichrob, this years champ.
Riders: Mike Hopkins, Matty Richard, Jenny Liljegren, Logan Peat, James McSkimming