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Ditch Your Frame Bag for a Hard Box with the new AK CODEPACK

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ak codepack bike box hard shell kickstarter (1)

There is certainly no shortage of quality, made to fit bike bags out there to help satisfy your need for adventure. Whether you’re stashing the essentials for a big trip into the back country, or a few refreshments for your weekly after work sessions, frame bags are pretty neat.

The question then is what’s better than a frame bag? If you’re Cody and Justin Greenwell, the answer is firm. You need a bike box. Sort of the bike equivalent of a truck bed tool box, the AK CODEPACK is meant to easily carry all your gear while offering better access when you need it. Built using aerospace construction methods and materials, AK CODEPACK is a rugged option that may have you looking at storage in a new way…

ak codepack bike box hard shell kickstarter (3)

ak codepack bike box hard shell kickstarter (2)

After finding faults with many of the bike bags they had tried, the Greenwell brothers from Anchorage, AK set out to make something more substantial. Using Cody’s background as an airplane mechanic, riveted aluminum was a natural choice and the first AK CODEPACK was born. Since this is a cycling product after all, a carbon version was cooked up next. Both boxes rely on an easy to use latch mechanism that should prove to be much easier to use in the cold especially with thick gloves. AK CODEPACKs can even be built with locks for an extra $25 making the box an interesting choice for commuters.

Each AK CODEPACK is custom fit for the frame ensuring a precise fit. The actual width of each box is up to the rider with minimum widths around 1.5″, and maximum widths limited only by your pedaling or your cranks. The brothers mention that 3″ wide boxes are their most popular options. Most AK CODEPACKs will attach to the frame using the existing water bottle bosses, though some may require the use of hose clamps depending on the design.

Currently for sale through Kickstarter, AK CODEPACKs are available for $250 for the original, or $275 for the carbon.


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10 years ago

Pretty cool but a crash can result in your own legs bumping the box hard enough to bend the box mount or bend your braze-ons…probably ripping out rivnuts.

TuTh Rider
TuTh Rider
10 years ago

Is this an early April Fool’s joke?

10 years ago

Does it convert to a stove or a telescope?

10 years ago

A case of function over form for sure.

10 years ago

all that, and it’s only held in place by (up to) 4 tiny bolts!

10 years ago

Thanks bikerumor, you just made me throw up my waffles!
When it comes to storage, I personally would rather have it in bag form. That way if I have to store something that’s a weird size or shape, the bag can actually move around and form around said object.

Andy P
Andy P
10 years ago

“Transformers ROLL OUT”!

10 years ago

“Rattle, clang, thunk…” said the multi-tool, minipump, lunch, or whatever the heck else you might put in your frameba… er, box.

Better be putting a lot of padding on whatever you want to carry. And why am I left with the impression that these fellows have never used a properly built, properly sized framebag?

10 years ago

The locking option would be pretty neat on a commuter. I wouldn’t leave my phone and wallet in it, but it would be handy to not always have to carry gloves, jacket, food etc with me whenever I go into a store.

10 years ago

It’s a great design for the wrong application. It’s nice that these guys want to put them on fat bikes, but the real market for a locking, hard case is on commuting bikes. One reason that people still use their cars for short trips is because there is no place to store their valuables on the bike. If you had a hard, locking case on your bike you could safely leave behind items that you’d normally leave in your car.

10 years ago

Nothing to prevent these guys from making commuter packs, just fill out the form. Hope they succeed.

10 years ago

i just want them to cut the steerer down on that charge

10 years ago

If it was bear resistant, like a bear canister, then they’d have something for backcountry bike camping.

10 years ago

@Papi, people don’t use their bikes because they have no place to store their valuables? How hard is it to carry your phone and wallet in a pocket?

Drew Diller
10 years ago

This has legitimate uses for urban riders / commuters.

I personally am not interested in one, but it is not worthy of the trash talking it’s getting here.

10 years ago

I used to stock the Sunlite locking rack box when I worked at a shop years ago:
The lighter construction (& lower price) is pretty well suited to the market most people are referencing – commuters who don’t want to take their gloves/lights/rain jacket etc with them when off the bike. Might be people willing to pay for a burlier, custom version (?)

Justin Greenwell
10 years ago

Thanks for the write up Bike Rumor. Reading some of these comments I have a couple of questions.
1. What stops a hard object from hitting your bikes frame while in a soft bag?
2. When a soft bag conforms to the hard object, does the hard object impact your body in a crash? Does the soft pack protect your belongings?
3. A large water bottle held to the frame with only two bolts is harder on the braze-ons than a CODEPAK. With 4 bolts on two different planes, the strength of the mount is multiplied.
4. We are promoting this for any type of bike, not just fat bikes. We will build them to any shape and size of frame.

Please contact us through our website http://www.akcodepak.com if you have any questions or concerns.

10 years ago

GEEZO! ENOUGH WITH THE NEGATIVITY! These guys are working hard to bring something that they believe in to others. Make YOUR dreams reality, and go do something, just like Cody is doing!! GO BOYS, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!

10 years ago

Aluminum hinge and aluminum rivets on carbon fiber, any aircraft mechanic should know you don’t do that.

10 years ago

@ Drew and @Snipe, don’t you understand that if someone doesn’t find a product useful for them it therefore must not be useful for anyone else?

10 years ago

I think it’s cool, while I don’t need one, the idea is great. A person or animal could easily slash open a material bag. On the right bike (fat bike) they look kinda cool, especially the carbon one. Well presented video too.

10 years ago

I’m with the positive comments. It’s cool to see two guys, brothers no less, have an idea and go for it. How many us should’ve, could’ve, would’ve??

Good luck Jason and Cody. Hope it works out for you!

Derron T
Derron T
10 years ago

For that price they better come lined with thick velvet or felt so things don’t rattle around inside. Think violin (or other instrument) case.

10 years ago

This needs to be marketed at the DIY ebike community. Hard shell frame bag like this is PERFECT to hold batteries!

10 years ago

This would fit my 9mm nicely. I like it.

Chris L
Chris L
10 years ago

It’s a pretty cool idea, especially for commuting. The noise factor would be my main concern unless they’ve lined it something. My other concern for off road riding is if you laid your bike down on its side and that hinge gets bent effectively jamming your box shut. Bags have been the preferred method of packing for bike touring for decades for a reason. Like drop bars and diamond frames somethings evolve into their form for good reasons.

10 years ago

I have made every frame bag I’ve ever used, just because I tailored them to the bike they look better BUT I think if they softened or tapered the edges of this (because I think your legs might smack into this when swinging your bike back and forth)I would buy one of these.

10 years ago

I have never used any sort of frame bag and never done any overnight bike packing so I am very well qualified to sit here and critique this stuff. When it comes to looking good, there is nothing on the current crop of fat bikes that look good. Stupid fat tires, unneeded suspension that looks like erector-set nightmares, electronic crap all over the bar, derailleurs hanging down in the snow like some afterthought, so what difference does it make if the packs are soft and lumpy with stupid velcro straps every few inches sawing holes in the paint job and a small stove or spare tire bulging out to hit a knee or aircraftesque hard sided boxes that look like left over missle shipping crates from some war zone. In other words, it don’t matter what color lipstick you put on a geared snow bike pig, it is still a pig and beauty and function are in the eye of the beerholder.

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