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Drunk Driver Involved in Two Deaths Sentenced, Kinda

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Kenneth Bain was sentenced this week for an hitting and killing two cyclists while driving after both drinking and smoking marijuana.  He struck Michael Alfaro, 36, and Meredith Hatch, 38, as they were riding their bikes near Joe Pool Lake, Texas. His sentence: only two years in prison and ten years probation.

“He took 80 years away from two people and he gets to sit in prison for two years, I don’t believe it,” said a family member of one of the victim’s.

More at WFAA Dalas/ Fort Worth (if video does not load, it can be viewed via WFAA link)

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15 years ago

If a drunk and high person took a gun, that’s premeditated murder. How is it different when he choose to drive a car?
If he was such an upright and respectable citizen as his character witnesses testified, then he should take personal responsibility for his actions.
His witnesses also need to take a good long hard look at their values and character as well.

15 years ago

Oregon recently beefed up its statutes covering duty of drivers to cyclists, and penalties
but the police still tend to favor (and not cite) drivers,
or not even respond to the scene of accidents
(personal experience).

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