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Forget Candy, Ride Saving Purchases get easier with smaller, wall-mount vending machine from Bike Fixtation

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Bike Fixation Street

We’ve all been there. Whether a punctured tube, or broken chain, there is nothing much worse than traveling a decent distance for a ride only to find out it’s over before it even began because you can’t get your hands on a common part. Even during a ride, things happen when we’re not prepared. Bike Fixtation has been trying to change that with public-use work stands & tools as well as their large vending machines which are the perfect way to dispense ride saving parts autonomously.

Now, Bike Fixtation has another bicycle craving crushing vending machine that is a little more suited to a number of locations…

Bike Fixation Vending

Bike Fixtation has made a lot of people happy by saving rides that would have otherwise been doomed. Based in Minneapolis, MN, the company has been making bicycle repair stands and vending machines to be used at trail heads, along bicycle paths, high traffic areas as well as outside of bike shops.

Bike Fixation Wall

The new wall mount unit can be ordered to operate via line-in or battery power allowing it to be placed virtually anywhere. It can hold up to 15 items and be ordered as “tube only” or “tube and parts”. It can be ordered to accept cash, (foreign & domestic) and credit/debit/gift cards. There is a sensor that if for some reason it doesn’t drop your chain, it will give you a refund. Like all of their products, security is the primary feature so it’s built using heavy gauge steel and a shatter resistant display window making it very difficult to break into.

If you know of a great place to put one of their units, contact your local bike shop or local cycling or transpiration organization. The wall mount vending machine comes with a 2 year warranty, is available in ten durable enamel colors, and retails for $3,175


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9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago

Pretty neat!

9 years ago

I could see these being very helpful along the huge trail system we have in the DC area. Put them at major parking lots or intersections with busier streets that are far from bike shops. I love the bike work stations as well, but those tools better be held on by some pretty serious hardware to keep a**holes from stealing them.

9 years ago

If I get a flat, and I’m not prepared to fix it, what difference does it make if I’m 5 miles from my house, or 5 miles from this machine? I’m not trying to be snarky, I just don’t understand how it would help unless you break down within walking distance of one. I know this will have more than flat-fixing merch, but that’s the example I’m thinking about. I guess they’d have be be pretty prolific, and hope you break down within a short distance of the nearest one…

9 years ago

They would work in areas where the closest store that sells tubes for example is miles and miles away from the trailhead for a major trail network. They’d also work well outside of existing bike stores where the owners like to close on sundays for example, to go out riding.

9 years ago

university bikes in boulder has been doing this for years

9 years ago

Things can go haywire, and when they do, its usually when no shops are open. We have these machines in Munich, and they come in handy, especially on Sundays when all of the shops are closed.

9 years ago

They have vending machines for tubes, chains and cables at a shop near me. Saved my bacon on my commute one morning when i got a second flat and didn’t have a second tube. Was able to get one at 7:15 in the morning.

9 years ago

Been in Australia for a while – http://www.all4cycling.com.au

9 years ago

…Retraction – Just found out they are the same company!

9 years ago

You only got the spelling correct about halfway through the article. Fix-tation.

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