Dr. Will Harden is a chiropractic physician in Portland, OR. Over the past few years, he has been on a quest to create a better, more nutritious, more effective, delicious energy bar. His hard work has paid off in the form of the Doctor Will Bar. It’s small, calorie dense, and has all the right stuff for the boost you want on that long ride.
Head on past the break for the full story, including ingredients and nutritional information.
The Doctor Will Bar is made from a mix of fruits and nuts. It includes healthy fats and sugars, and has the ability to provide short term energy, as well as a sustained, crash free energy for those epic rides. The bar is able to do this without spiking your blood sugar.
The other nice thing about the bar is that it’s small. I don’t have a Cliff Bar handy for comparison shots, but trust me, this thing is a fair bit smaller in size. While it is smaller, it is still calorie dense. A Cliff Bar has 240 calories on average. The Dr. Will Bar has 230. The Cliff Bar is 68 grams. The Dr. Will Bar is 50 grams. Thus, you get what you need in a smaller, easier to manage package. I don’t know about you, but the less bulk I have to take with me on my ride the better.
Now, how about taste? In one word, “Yum!” These things taste good. Peanut butter is the first ingredient, and as you might guess, it sets the tone for the bar. The seeds and puffed rice add a bit of crunch, and the cranberries and cherries give it a nice depth of flavor. The bar is not dry, and it’s easy to eat while on the bike. I tend to drink a lot while riding, but I don’t feel like I have to take a drink after ever bite, and I like that. If this flavor doesn’t do it for you, more are in the works. Chocolate chip and lite coffee are planned.
There always seems to be an ongoing debate when it comes to nutrition and what kinds of fats, sweeteners, and other ingredients are good or bad for you. For Dr. Will’s take on this, visit the website and read the F.A.Q. section, as well as the news section.
Having a girlfriend that is allergic to wheat, I asked if the bar is gluten free. I was told that the oats are the limiting factor and that they are working on sourcing official gluten free oats. However, the baker used to make these, also makes other products. Therefore, the bars are made on machinery that could contain trace amounts of egg, milk, soy, and wheat.
Pricing is set at $1.50 per bar. You can order them direct from the website for $36 per case of 24 bars. If you are interested in selling them in your retail shop, feel free to drop the doctor a line here.
The full list of ingredients includes:
Peanut Butter, Flax Seed, Oats, Corn Syrup, Pumpkin Seed, Brown Sugar, Cranberries, Cherries, Sunflower Seeds, Almonds, Puffed Rice, Whey Protein, Coconut