If your helmet is anything like mine, it is overdue for replacement of the nasty, well-worn factory pads. Or maybe you’d like to customize or improve your (non-icky) helmet’s padding and fit. In either case, Effetto Mariposa’s Octoplus replacement helmet pads fit the bill.
Effeto Mariposa is an Italian cycling company specializing in some rather esoteric products (carbon hacksaws, carbon adhesion/release sprays, tire sealants and tubleless kits) and is located in Bra, Italy. Its newest release is the Octoplus kit. It features a star-shaped main pad, several other smaller pads, and 10 adhesive velcro pieces. The pads are non-allergic, anti-microbial, and machine washable. Made in Italy.
Cue promotional techno music and octopus animation after the break…
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