“Stopped to take a picture of SF from Grizzly Peak blvd in Berkeley, CA.”
- The Wilkesboro CX Festival is this weekend Saturday and Sunday, Nove. 23-24th, and the weather is projected to be perfect for Cyclocross. As an added bonus, Wilkes NC Tourism is offering great hotel/cut your own Christmas tree package rates.
- The first annual Boulder Movember Gala will be held tomorrow, November 23rd, 6pm at Mosaic Cycles‘ factory. Entry is a suggested donation of $10 to benefit the Movember Foundation. Two local Cyclocross teams, The Service Course and Team Small Batch are presenting this (formal-ish) event which will include, of course, a mustache contest.
- Registration is now open for 2014’s La Fausto Coppi – a July 13th Granfondo through the northwest region of Italy.
- Click here for a list of Honor Rides that benefit Ride2Recovery – cycling programs that aid the mental and physical challenges of our wounded US veterans.
- KindHuman is taking cycling sponsorship and turning it upside down. They’re going to start awarding sponsorships based on sportsmanship, humanity, and competitive spirit – not on whether or not you win races. Their Take The Lead Cycling Sponsorship is for youth 12-17 for the 2014 season and will provide $5000 worth of equipment. Enter via FB here.
- Culprit is blowing out their 2013 Display bikes, most have been ridden 250 km or less. Click here for images and email here for pricing and information. Looks like they have a Culprit Junior One available – perfect for your 6-8 year old getting started in racing…
- The Sheldon Brown website has discovered and posted “a collection of images of bicycles and parts that some folks might find fun to use as a screensaver.” Like the FB page to get website updates.
- De Soto Sport has announced that they are offering a wider selection of endurance sport clothing sizes to fit the everyday woman’s body.
- Cube Bikes has announced it’s first store opening in the UK.
- Localeikki is a new app with crowd-sourced information on where to hike-run-bike-walk when you’re out of town.
- The Federal Highway Administration doesn’t currently have minimum safety benchmarks for states to follow concerning bicycle and pedestrian deaths. Without benchmarks, there’s little pressure on states to show improvements in safety. Ask Congress to change that. Learn more and take action here.
- And, awarded the Most Ridiculous Non-Cycling Press Release In Our Inbox this week: Brite Beatz – singing toothbrushes to keep you brushing for the ADA recommended time of 2 minutes. Press the button and you get 2 minutes of PSY, JB, LG, or LMFAO to (literally) jump start your morning.
- Wait, actually this product takes the award, and they even have a $10 or less page…