- Magnic Light is offering the first 6 of their new iC dynamo light sets, shown above, for $1! Their Kickstarter page goes live at 12:18pm EST this (Friday) afternoon. After the first 6 are sold, complete sets will go for $179.
- Swiftwick Socks is offering a free pair of Sustain socks plus free shipping on all orders from Dec. 26th – 31st.
- Siren Bicycles announces a new partnership that will stir things up within the hand made bike brand.
- Speaking of hand built bikes – NAHBS 2014 seems like it’s just around the corner!
- Last chance to get 10% off Subaru Sea Otter Classic race and recreational ride entries until Dec. 31st.
- According to the Bakersfield Californian, well known tool designer and owner of Morningstar Tools, Paul Morningstar was found dead in his home recently in a bizarre tale of paranoia, booby traps, and explosions. Our thoughts go out to Paul and family – hopefully Paul will be remembered for his innovative tools rather than the strange circumstances surrounding his death.
- Registration opens for Epic Rides’ Off-Road Series January 1st, 2014. Register between Jan 1st – 7th and you’ll be entered to win over $7000 in prizes during their 7 Days of Giveaways– with the grand prize a Scott Spark 910 valued at $4800.
- The Chiltern Cycling Festival in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, England, will be held July 13th, 2014. Registration is open for this “celebration of all things cycling” with a hill climb, 100 mile and 100km sportives, classic bike ride, and family ride complete with baby velodrome.
Friday Roundup – Bicycle Bits & Pieces

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The original Magnic light kickstarter is the reason I don’t do kickstarter anymore. Horrible communication with the backers, extremely late in delivery and the final product was no where near what was actually backed. The promise of fancy carbon awesomeness ended up being cheap plastic crap with junk metal mounts for the bike. We can’t use them due to their poor design.
So Kickstarter folks – beware of backing this “new” idea. He takes the money and runs and when he finally delivers its no where NEAR what was promised or even close. And not even worth the discounted price for retail.
We are selling both our original ones for $50 each and no one will touch them. This is probably why he’s trying to bilk us all again.