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Friday Roundup: Win a Trail Aid Ibis, May is still Bike Month, plus deals & more!

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Trail Aid is back from MBOSC and you can win ANY Ibis & ANY build – It’s an annual tradition, and no CoronaMess is going to stop the Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz from supporting sustainable trails and giving away a killer Ibis in the process. In fact, they are taking the pandemic head-on. So, while every $5 that you donate to the trails will get you a chance to win the bike, MBOSC will pass 25% of it on to a COVID-19 relief fund of your choice.

The fundraiser and bike raffle is a short-term project, so support MBOSC before May 25 to have a chance to win. During the 2020 Trail Aid campaign, you can decide whether you want your donation also to support: Direct Relief, a global organization delivering emergency healthcare equipment to communities in need; Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County, providing support local to MBOSC; Second Harvest Food Bank, a Santa Cruz group working to end hunger in the county; throughout Santa Cruz County; or Project PPE 4 Central Coast, a movement pooling regional CA design & production capabilities to make & distribute PPE to front line workers.

So what can you win if you donate? Literally, ANY Ibis mountain bike or gravel bike, and ANY build spec you want, up to a $10,000 value. More details on how to support the trails & COVID-19 efforts at: MBOSC.givingfuel.com

Where to ride

  • Join Rebecca’s Giddy Up Challenge indoors or outdoors – On Memorial Day Weekend the cycling community will unite for a special Rebecca’s Giddy Up Challenge to benefits COVID-19 relief via the Be Good Foundation.n Use our bikes & running shoes as a catalyst for healing, empowerment and evolution. Motivate & challenge ourselves while helping others. Registration fees, donations and fundraising will support programs providing public health, medical resources deployment, bikes for frontline healthcare workers, and cycling infrastructure for transportation in partnership with our Be Good beneficiaries. RebeccasPrivateIdaho.com

Advocacy & Industry News

  • #BikesUnite… May is still Bike Month – The League of American Bicyclists launched a new #BikesUnite campaign this week, reminding us that Coronavirus or not, May is still National Bike Month, and bicycling still makes us healthier & happier. Those two things are always good, maybe even more important in 2020. First celebrated in 1956, National Bike Month centers on biking to work and riding with a friend to a local coffee shop to get them back on a bike. In 2020, we’re doing National Bike Month a little differently. This May, the League encourages everyone to get on a bike, go for a ride, and share the joy online together. For the 31 days in May, #BikesUnite us. Whether you’re riding for fun, fitness or with family, or taking essential trips to work or shop, you are part of a movement for safer streets, connected communities, a healthier planet, and happier people. Share photos of your solo or family rides on social media using #BikesUnite and share the joy biking brings you. By sharing your “reason to ride” on social media and encouraging friends and family across the country to go by bike, we can experience the joy of biking together even as we shelter at home apart. BikeLeague.org

  • Did we mention Ibis are making PPE now, too! – Beyond supporting MBOSC (above) Ibis joined others in the industry in helping make PPE. Last week, they started producing protective face shields for medical workers and first responders. Using a University of Kansas open-source design, Ibis worked with the engineering team over at Santa Cruz Bicycles to optimize the process and are now producing 2x as many shields per day, collaborating with PPE 4 Central Coast for distribution. IbisCycles.com

  • Oh yeah, and Santa Cruz Bikes does PPE too – Not just helping Ibis optimize their manufacturing, Santa Cruz Bicycles has been making & donating PPE to Lost Sierra First Responders . The Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship, in partnership with Yuba Expeditions bike shop and The Lure Resort in Downieville told us of a generous PPE donation from Santa Cruz Bicycles – face shields for their local Sierra and Plumas County first responders. While the cycling community is staying away from mountain towns and trails due to social distancing and protection of local citizens, Santa Cruz Bicycles is still showing community support and sincere thanks to first responders for their service, help and commitment. SantaCruzBicycles.com

Don’t forget our Remote Otter!

remote otter sea otter classic 2020

  • REMOTE OTTER, our virtual Festival marches on! – Just over a week ago, we debuted our remote Sea Otter coverage, tasking bike industry brands with sharing their latest & greatest. Dubbed Remote Otter, it’s a new way for us to cover new gear and the people who create it! This week added Pearl Izumi, Thule, Ergon, Ritchey, RideFarr, Burley & Barfly. The videos have been a fun project with nice Easter Eggs peppered throughout. Set that YouTube Playlist on autoplay, and sip a cold one just like you would in Monterey! Then, don’t forget to check out all we’ve covered so far, with even more to come. Bikerumor.com/Remote-Otter

Mega COVID-Deals keep coming!

  • Like a broken record… Don’t forget about CoronaDays Deals! – As long as there is a global pandemic, there will be cycling companies offering deals to keep the wheels turning. Help them out by keeping turnover up, with Mega savings. Last week brought up to $2000 off Canyon, 50% off a Trek, 30% off Santa Cruz clearances, a $200 upgrade to wireless shifting, and many more deals on electronics, bikes, training, etc… And we expect to see more coming soon this weekend too. Dig through them all in our CoronaDays Deals roundups.
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