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FrostBike 2013: PDW Updates Dave’s Mud Shovel Fenders, Puts a Bell on your Steerer

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FrostBike 2013: PDW Updates Dave's Mud Shovel Fenders, Puts a Bell on your Steerer


The more I use my Mud Shovel Fatbike Fenders, the more I love them. I had a picture that perfectly illustrated their abilities, but thanks to some electronics failures I no longer have them – but just imagine two riders on identical fat bikes, one with Mud Shovels and one without. The one with Mud Shovels was relatively clean, the one without had frozen mud covering his backside in a very large skunk stripe along with quite a bit more frozen mud to his bike. So yes, they work.

When I ran into the PDW crew at FrostBike, they pointed me towards an updated clamp they designed to replace the original on the Mud Shovel fender. After quite a bit of use, we have had no issues with the original, but apparently in below 0 temperatures, the plastic band can break if the fender it kicked when getting on the bike. A new clamp with a cloth strap was quickly designed, and PDW being the self described “brand that they wanted to exist” is sending out replacements as needed, free of charge. Just another example of PDW standing behind their product.

More on the clamp and their new Alexander Graham Bell after the jump.

FrostBike 2013: PDW Updates Dave's Mud Shovel Fenders, Puts a Bell on your Steerer

FrostBike 2013: PDW Updates Dave's Mud Shovel Fenders, Puts a Bell on your Steerer

On the new clamp, the strap is adjusted by pushing the metal pin up to the top of the slot as shown in the first photo – then you can adjust the strap as necessary. When you’ve got the length right, just pull on both ends of the strap and the metal pin will wedge itself into the middle, locking the strap in place.

FrostBike 2013: PDW Updates Dave's Mud Shovel Fenders, Puts a Bell on your Steerer

FrostBike 2013: PDW Updates Dave's Mud Shovel Fenders, Puts a Bell on your Steerer

PDW’s new Alexander Graham bell is similar to VO’s Spacer Bell mount, except you don’t need to buy a different bell – the Alexander Graham is all included.  Built on a standard 1 1/8″ steerer tube spacer, the Alexander Graham bell packs a beautiful brass bell with a great tone into a space saving package to me mounted on your steerer tube instead of your handle bar.

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WV Cycling
11 years ago

I would like to see SLAM THAT STEM’s opinion on a steerer tube bell~

11 years ago

PDW did not design that cloth strap attachment.

It’s on every generic mudguard this side of Taiwan. I got one with such an attachment from torpedo7.com.au for $5 just last month.

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