A few months ago we posted a Lock-On Grip Round Up. Each grip had pros and cons but ultimately our Tech Editor Zach had to pick one. Not surprisingly, many readers disagreed with his choice and submitted their own recommendations. Based on that informal survey, you could say that ESI Grips where the hands down winner of the Nominate Your Favorite Grip category. So many of you will be excited to hear that ESI is launching an all new line of road bike bar tape which uses the same silicone material found in their MTB grips.
We first peeped the proto-tape at Sea Otter but finally put our greasy paws on the real deal at interbike….
Unlike traditional tape, the ESI has no adhesive patch, so you can flip this tape over once it becomes dirty or worn, and just rewrap your bar. Heck, you can rewrap it whenever you want! This versatility more than doubles the usable lifespan of the $39.99 tape. Just make sure to follow their online installation instructions. The only caveat is the kit comes with a silicone finishing tape which only adheres to itself and is not reusable. Fortunately, the stuff is readily available at your local hardware store and is a good thing to have handy in your toolbox.
If the rave reviews of their regular mtb grips from our friends are any indication of how comfortable these are, ESI should have a hit on their hands. Just in case, we also grabbed a roll of bar tape and some chunky grips to verify their claims. Stay tuned for our review.
Want to find out for youself? The bar tape (which is made in the USA) is now available on the ESI website (or at your LBS) in six different colors. Get your own here.