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IB16: Wolf Tooth Components glides in with ReMote Dropper lever, GC 49T and WolfCage adapters, Valais 25 bag mount, more

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On their own, Wolf Tooth Components seems to be a powerhouse when it comes to new products and ideas. But add in the design chops of Marc Basiliere from Lindarets, and the two groups are sure to come up with innovative products – like their new ReMote dropper lever. Rather than use the typical hinged pivot of most mechanical dropper levers, WTC shoehorned a massive cartridge bearing into the middle of the lever to make it one of the smoothest levers yet…



Starting with the typical 1x specific shifter paddle design, WTC designed the whole lever around a cartridge bearing pivot. Meant for any cable actuated droppers, the lever has a cable pinch bolt at the lever that is easily accessible. For droppers that would normally have the cable head at the lever, the WTC will clamp to the cable and then you would cut off the unused cable head.

Offered in a standard split clamp, the lever will also be available in fitments for Shimano IS-II and IS-AB, and SRAM Matchmaker to cover all the bases. Built with a textured paddle, the levers will retail for $59-69 depending on the model.


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Big cassettes are in, so WTC is bumping up the size of their GC cassette adapter. Now available in a 49t, there will be SRAM and Shimano specific applications with the SRAM GC 49 meant to fit the SRAM NX cassettes.

wolf-tooth-components-wolf-cage-gc49-dropper-lever-valais-dropper-bag-mount-17 wolf-tooth-components-wolf-cage-gc49-dropper-lever-valais-dropper-bag-mount-27

The beauty of using a 49t instead of the 50t, is that the standard SRAM derailleur will clear the 49t without an additional adapter. WTC sees the GC 49 as the perfect upgrade then for SRAM NX equipped bikes as it will provide a much wider range than the stock cassette.

The GC 49 will also be available for Shimano cassettes, but Shimano derailleurs will require an adapter to clear the bigger cog.


wolf-tooth-components-wolf-cage-gc49-dropper-lever-valais-dropper-bag-mount-16 wolf-tooth-components-wolf-cage-gc49-dropper-lever-valais-dropper-bag-mount-14

Which is where the new Wolf Cage comes in. Rather than replacing both sides of the derailleur, the Wolf Cage uses an offset pulley location which makes it possible to keep the outer derailleur cage. That means the installation is much easier without having to mess with the clutch assembly.

GC 49s will be sold to fit SRAM/Sunrace cassettes for $89, while the GC 49 for Shimano will be sold with the Wolf Cage to fit Shimano 11-42 cassettes for $125. Eventually, WTC will have 4 different versions of the Wolf Cage to fit Shimano XT and XTR derailleurs in both medium and long cages.

wolf-tooth-components-wolf-cage-gc49-dropper-lever-valais-dropper-bag-mount-23 wolf-tooth-components-wolf-cage-gc49-dropper-lever-valais-dropper-bag-mount-25

One of the biggest selling points for the CAMO chainring system, WTC now has stainless steel chainrings which match up with their aluminum spiders. Initially available in 28t, 30 and 32t rings are on the way along with stainless steel elliptical rings in CAMO only.


wolf-tooth-components-wolf-cage-gc49-dropper-lever-valais-dropper-bag-mount-6 wolf-tooth-components-wolf-cage-gc49-dropper-lever-valais-dropper-bag-mount-10

Want to run a saddle bag on your bike with a dropper post? The new $25 Valais 25 makes it work. The simple addition is available in two sizes to fit the stanchions of all the dropper posts on the market, and it provides a place for you to strap the saddle bag to the seat post and protects the stanchion. Also, it functions as a 25mm travel limiter which can be used on its own, or when used with a saddle bag, prevents the bag from rubbing the tire when fully compressed. The design also takes into consideration the wiper at the bottom of the post and is shaped to rest on collar rather than the wiper which could damage it.


While not new, the Barbag is back in the line up after Wolf Tooth found a new partner to get it manufactured. The bags are offered in right or left specific designed, and have a clear lid that is closed with a velcro/magnetic closure for $34.


Not quite ready for prime time, this prototype high direct mount Gnarwolf chain guide gives us a hint at what’s to come. Said to fit around 28-36t chainrings, the guides should be available in about a month.


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8 years ago

So which sprocket does the 49T ring displace since this is not a 11s to 12s converter?

8 years ago
Reply to  Tim

My guess is they replace the 15 and 17 with a 16 like they do for the 10sp expander.

8 years ago

Presumably it’ll be like the existing 45T cog, and the 17+19 will be replaced with an 18T; most likely this will be included.

8 years ago

I get the need for a chain guide sometimes, but for a company known for their “drop stop” chain rings, the introduction of a such a device seems a little ironic.

Joe Maki
Joe Maki
8 years ago
Reply to  Comrad

It’s obviously designed for those that don’t use their chainrings 🙂

8 years ago

Seriously, I know it just SEEMS like half the items that appear on this web site are about Wolf Tooth, but can you throttle it back some? I mean, the stuff looks well built, but it is about the 300th most important manufacturer in the bike world, not the top one.
You guys have stock in the company or something?

8 years ago

Really like what Wolftooth is coming up with. I plan to install Camo 1X when my current Sram 2X11 is worn out. Help me understand why the WTC 49t is not compatible with Sram 10-42 cassettes? Thanks! I’m looking for a little more range than 10-42 when I switch to 1X, but I have no interest in spending Eagle type money. What are my options?

Tim Guarente
Tim Guarente
8 years ago
Reply to  John

The GC won’t work with a 10-42 cassette because the 10-42 cassette uses a different freehub body design, called XD.

Brendan Connors
Brendan Connors
8 years ago
Reply to  Tim Guarente

That, and the 10-42 cassettes are one-piece, rather than a collection of loose cogs.

John, if your 10-42 cassette is XX1 or X01 level, you can replace the bottom alloy 42t cog with a Wolf Tooth GCX 44t if you’re willing to do some careful prying and squeezing. You can also get e*thirteen’s 9-44t 11sp cassette that works on the xD driver body.

series of tubes
series of tubes
8 years ago
Reply to  John

SRAM 10-42 cassettes are one piece, so you can’t take a cog out of the middle.

8 years ago

Ah, thanks all. Of course, my 10-42 cassette is GX. I think I can live with 10-42 and learn to swap out camo chainrings depending on what the day calls for.

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