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Indicator Bike Signal Lights

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The simplest solution is always best, so why did it take so long to come up with this great idea? The Indicator Bike Signal Lights are integrated into your grips and you depress a small button to activate your turn brights. Ingenious!

Head past the break for the details…

Depressing the squishy button quickly activates the turn signal. A 3 second press activates the front lights.

The grips stay in place using the lock on clamps used on mountain bike grips.  A single AAA powers each side. The grips are 152mm long x 32mm in diameter.

Think this is brilliant? Check out the project details at Quirky.


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12 years ago

I love it, but in the UK indicator lights are orange. Also they flash a little too fast for my liking. Indicators on cars flash slower. A slower flash and an orange colour would help distinguish it from regular flashing bike lights and make it look more like a regular car/motorbike indicator.

If they made those changes I’d definitively stick these on my commuter bike.

12 years ago

As Rabi says,

In the UK (possibly the whole world) indicators are orange not white.

Also, the lights need to…

1) Flash orange to people behind the cyclist.
2) Flash orange to people in front of cyclist.
3) While doing 1+2 they must also be white (flashing or not) to people in front of the cyclist.

The problem with the above is that drivers will be confused by a white light travelling away from them.

Otherwise a good idea, and something I would also buy.

12 years ago

There have been plenty of products that try to do stuff like this. And they all fall at the first hurdle in my opinion.

Other road users don’t expect cyclists to have indicators and as such, don’t look for them.

Charlie Best
Charlie Best
12 years ago

Great! He’s got indicators, he’s much safer now. Oh wait, no helmet, he’s dead.

12 years ago

Not a new idea at all. I had something very similar in the 80s, and Sunlite makes one currently.

12 years ago

Not exactly a new idea. They didn’t take off the first half dozen times people made them so I wonder what they expect to make all the difference this time.

Yes Charlie you are quite right, despite the fact that there is no definitive scientific evidence that cycling with a helmet is any safer overall than cycling without one, cycling without a helmet causes instant death these days. Whereas placing a few ounces of expanded polystyrene foam designed to slightly cushion against a short drop will obviously provide complete protection from speeding vehicles weighing many tons.

12 years ago

My big issue is that, unlike car turn signals, these are on All the time, in ways that is a good safety feature, giving the motorist an idea of how wide the bike is, BUT that that has to eat batteries for a snack.

12 years ago

If these do not turn off automatically after a turn (like car signals) then this will cause a lot of accidents: car at intersection sees bike, thinks “oh, he’s going right”, drives out in front of bike, crash. Happens with motorbikes all the time.
Also: again a solution that puts the responsibility with the cyclist. If you have good lights, no need to add signals (nor helmet, fluorescent vests etc..)

12 years ago

Much as I like lit signals, I think it’s easier to learn hand signals. Gloves with reflective material are becoming more common to show up in headlights.

12 years ago

Whatever is wrong with hand signals? Add no weight to the bike or rider, cost nothing, and cannot break down. This product is a solution without a problem.

12 years ago

Whatever is wrong with hand signals?

Sometimes they’re not ideal. Trying to signal while trying to stop in the rain when on a curved downhill, for instance, when I need both hands on the bars is always an issue. I can see where another solution might be attractive.

12 years ago

Hand signals are fine, if drivers notice them AND understand them… brightly flashing lights are superior for idiot/ADD/distracted drivers (aka the majority of drivers)

12 years ago

That’s a great idea for safety !
But don’t wear helmets !!! we need more organ donors !!!

dennis nel
12 years ago

i was using indicators in 1970 so the idea is not new

11 years ago

Nice idea, not new … we need something more like motorbike indicators really, that flash when you want to turn, but even they wont be any guarantee you’ll be seen. Or something to add to the hand/arm/shoulder while signalling. Anything constantly flashing for me is a complete waste – can’t say I even like the modern lamps that flash constantly.

In the days before helmets, I was cycling on a dual carriageway with a bright day-glo jacket, on a typical winter’s morning, overcast but not especially dark, nor foggy/misty … ie good visibility. A chap in a van came up to the junction onto the road I was on and despite the stop sign slowed right down but didn’t actually totally come to a stop. I knew he hadn’t seen me … he did look but he didn’t see, as he stated himself later. Pity he didn’t have the passenger window open cos I would have gone straight in instead of straight into and over. I was lucky that the impact with the van knocked me out so I was effectively a rag doll, and luckily only ruptured my elbow joint. Nice black and and bruises all over., and gash on temple. Very very lucky.

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