If there were ever two people meant to be together, my dear friends Tom and Sarah Swallow would surely qualify. Having met while working together at Cyclesport & Tri, the two bike geeks quickly fell in love and started dating secretly, even though everyone knew they were an item. To further the bicycle tie in, while both were attending Interbike for the first time in 2009, Tom proposed to Sarah amidst the festivities and obviously she said yes.
Their wedding was no less influenced by bicycles with pictures of bikes on the invitations, bulletins, and displays. Even more awesome was the happy couple choosing to eschew the traditional entrance to the reception for something more their style. Instead Tom rode his newly finished cargo bike (which he built completely himself) with Sarah riding on the front cargo platform down the long drive into the reception. It was one of the coolest things I have seen on a bike.
What is a newlywed velo couple to do for their honeymoon? Travel to France to follow the Tour, of course! So if you are traveling to the Tour as well and happen to see Tom and Sarah, make sure to congratulate them!
I’d like to wish Tom and Sarah the best of luck and a happy marriage in the future, and say congratulations!