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Introducing the 2013 Transition Klunker

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While nearly every other bike manufacturer is falling over themselves to introduce 650B components and frames, Transition has been hard at play building something altogether different. Instead of a new carbon suspension rig, they are proud to announce, they’ve taken “one giant step backwards” with their latest bike – the 2013 Transition Klunker.

Full details after the break…

The Klunker features absolutely no technology and is in no way optimized. 4130 chromoly, moto handlebar, DH tires and a coaster brake are all the features you need to rip your favorite trails or cruise downtown to grab a beer.

Coming in at 32 lbs for the complete bike, the Klunker is incredibly lightweight for a Klunker. Another thing that is lightweight about the Klunker is the price, $549 for the complete bike. Two color options are available, “Party in the Woods” Matte Black and “Klunking Isn’t Free” Eagle White (featuring checkerboard toptube and crossbar pads).

“Klunking is making a huge comeback and it’s a great way to experience your local trails on a totally new level. Our Klunker is ready to ride right out of the box, without any modifications, and it’s just as much fun riding trails as it is cruising around town. Once you start Klunking, you can’t stop.” Says Transition Bikes Owner Kevin Menard.”


  • 1 size fits all
  • Chromoly 3 piece BMX style crankset
  • Kenda Nevegal 2.35 DH tires
  • Transition Park n Ride Jump Saddle
  • Motorcycle Handlebar (800mm wide)
  • Slack 67 Degree Head Angle
  • Coaster Brake
  • PRICE: $549 USD

I’m convinced, more than 650/gearbox/fullsuspension/carbon fat bike, I really want a crappy klunker project. Bring on the klunker renaissance!

Via Transition Bikes

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12 years ago

…kay… how about one of these with 650b wheels and bb7s. I think a nice midway between one of these and a rigid SS 29er. My SE stout keeps popping spokes as the wheel flexes too much. Thoughts anyone??

12 years ago

Coaster brake? The heck? Could not they at least ad a provision for front disk?

Not looking forward for some yahoos barreling down public trails with nothing more then a rear coaster.

12 years ago

Hell yeah!!!

12 years ago

I would buy one of these. Coaster brakes are sick fun.

12 years ago

Anyone can build one of those from off-the-shelf cheapo parts for much less than the asking price… original idea, though. Somebody will bite.

I’m not sure some park rangers will be stoked at coaster brakes. Not on singletrack, at least.

Red House Bikes
12 years ago

@Mindless The definition of a Klunker is a rigid bike w/ a coaster brake. If they added disc brakes it wouldn’t be a true Klunker anymore

12 years ago

Wait…’tis not April the first.

Disappointing to see a company like Transition do something like this. When can we expect for them to make the move to big box stores?

12 years ago

Which coaster brake is it? The only coaster brakes that I have found that can handle abuse are the old Morrow’s, most of the new ones are made for kids, I haven’t had any luck get any life out of the Velosteels and Shimanos, regardless, coaster brakes rule.

12 years ago

I’ve been killing a clunker for a year or so, and loving it. Cheers to Transition for thinking outside the box.

ascar larkinyar
ascar larkinyar
12 years ago

atomic cycles in van nuys, ca been having coaster brake bike races for a long time now.

this bike needs a front brake still.

12 years ago

Anyone who doesn’ like this, I ask you to please go put on your lycra kit and and go for a spin.

12 years ago

old school, coaster-brake, 3-bar bmx cruisers have been going down hill for a long time … time for some of us to review our bicycle history lessons … obviously Transition did … awesome

12 years ago

The 40 to 50 something old school BMX’er at heart is going to eat this up. When are they avail for purchase?

Bike Industry
Bike Industry
12 years ago

When did the bike industry become hipster-meet-white-trash? Not only are these posers damaging trails, they’re degrading bike culture while they’re doing it.

12 years ago

“…they’re degrading bike culture…”
Wow, so much elitism. Get over yourself, they’re just making a bike. If you don’t like it, then don’t buy it.

12 years ago

@Red House Bikes: I do not really care what is the definition of a Klunker, but judging by the huge pile up on display – in the very promotional video- it is just not safe or responsible in the current trail access climate. It is 2012, not 1982. We lost a whole lot of trails since then.

At the very least they should weld brake tabs on the front fork for those with a bit more responsibility.

12 years ago

I know a guy in Wilkesboro, NC that is probably sick right now becuase he bought a Kona Humu a few months ago. He could totally be killing it on the mean streets of the local Greenway right now with the Transition Klunker! BooHoo for the Humu…

12 years ago

This bike is sick. You guys who don’t like it have incorrect opinions about it. You’re lame. This bike rules, you drool.

12 years ago

So, so rad. This is just made to satisfy the bad-ass in all of us. Well, those of us not so concerned with elitism and “responsibility”. Since when has mountain biking been doing what is politically acceptable? A huge draw to mountain biking is the adventure and risk aspect of it! Whenever I feel “responsible”, I pull on my lycra kit and go spin. When I feel like a bad-ass, I throw on baggies and shred.

Rock on Gentlemen!!

12 years ago

I like these a lot. It really didn’t seem like there was much demand for this type of bike a few years ago. Both Fisher and Breeze did a Klunker-style bike about 15 years ago and neither sold well. Then something happened. Variations of the theme started showing up on the trails all over. Nice to see it picking up again. I want one.

12 years ago

Finally, a return to sanity. I shall be a dealer by weeks end. Back to my push-ups and stretching. Wait… just informed delivery could be January……we’ll have to ride our current beaters til then- lick it up!

Ricky Bob
Ricky Bob
12 years ago

Yeah… its cool and all but Transition, please find a product manager that can figure out how to complete a product release before getting distracted by other projects. When do we find out how much the carbon Covert costs and what kits will be available? I want to buy it… please let me!

12 years ago

Wow, these comments make me sad for the bike industry. Bikes are fun…this looks like a fun bike, would love to have a klunker in my stable.

12 years ago

@bike industry. Sorry to say, but I can’t imagine a place for you in bike culture with an attitude like that. These thing scream all out fun.

Oso Negro
Oso Negro
12 years ago

All over the 650b/ bb7 comment.
That’s the ticket!

12 years ago

Hey, they’re wearin’ helmuts. I’d say they’ve taken on a degree of responsibility. BTW, if you can pull off a tabletop like that in the images, they one can be critical. Until then, stay on the road…

12 years ago

I can’t believe people are criticizing this. Its all about having a good time riding your bike. I think this video and the idea behind it is awesome, and it certainly motivates me to get out and ride.

12 years ago

the idea to add 650b wheels and disc brakes is missing the point, by like miles and miles.

Mr. Bojangles
Mr. Bojangles
12 years ago

Not sure if anyone watched the video. I had an old Schwinn Varsity built up with a coaster brake and some relatively fat tires this spring. Even on light duty single track everything on my Sch. V. felt sketchy and fast without leaving the ground more than a few inches at a time.The skills required to send those booters on those coaster brake bikes is absurd!!! I imagine the riders sending it with just the dead sailor on the coaster brake bikes are the ones back flipping and tre’ -ing it on regular djs!

Mr. Bojangles
Mr. Bojangles
12 years ago

“Bike Industry – 10/16/12 – 1:45pm
When did the bike industry become hipster-meet-white-trash? Not only are these posers damaging trails, they’re degrading bike culture while they’re doing it.”

Posers with more skill and trail etiquette than you! At this point you’re taking the sport way to seriously. What says you need to have cytomax dripping all over your frame from your bottle/carbon cage to be allowed to ride trails. Just yesterday I saw a couple of 12 year olds on clapped out hard tails pinning it on a relatively technical trail(jumps, berms, hairy corners). I gave them a couple of high fives and props instead of looking down my nose at them for their lack of eqt and technique. It’s not about who is damaging trails. It’s about who is having the most fun. Every activity(hiking, equestrian, biking, moto) is going to damage and erode trails. I can guarantee the guys at Transition have lifted more shovels and rakes on trail days then you could ever dream of!

12 years ago

I started riding what we called motobikes when I was in 7th grade. It was pre-BMX (yes I am old) and we typically used a schwinn stingray frame, motocross handlebars and a small plastic seat. We would build our own tracks and ride these in empty lots overlooking the Pacific Ocean in SoCal. This is so cool!!!

12 years ago

I want one.

The perfect execution of the K.I.S.S. philosophy..

What’s not to like?

If you like dropping dollars on more bike or keeping up with the Jones’s, other options are available.

12 years ago

Website states: “Coaster Brake Rear (Option Bolt On Front Brake)” I wonder what is this option. Disk?

12 years ago

^ nah, prob canti, you can see the boss

Tony J
Tony J
12 years ago

Wow you guys are funny. It’s a bike and if you have ever been klunking you would understand. Transition built this bike to bring back the joys of riding a bike. It’s not all about silly carbon 29’er bikes or 650bb bikes. Riding a coaster brake bike down trails is super fun.

12 years ago

WTK (what the klunk!) Just got to the pub for a well earned pint after klunking every thing in my path, covered in mud, pint in hand , big dirty smile.. Nearly spat half of it out after reading some of these norrow minded comments…!
@Mindless >>>. Sadly this is exactly how you come across MINDLESS! (deleted) (deleted) Is wat it is mate, you can’t fight it 🙂 klunkers rule.

Ben from surf sales uk. Transition bikes importers. Klunking rules!

12 years ago

After decades of serious mountain biking, I fell out of love with it. I had lost the joy that I chased so hard. Then, after 4 years or so of completely avoiding anything bike related, I had an epiphany. I realized the last time I really enjoyed the thrill and freedom of biking was when I had a one speed balloon tire coaster. So I bought a Kona A’ha, which is basically a klunker minus a coaster.

I love it. I bike everyday now. I have FUN. I no longer care about the latest and greatest. I’ve been to the edge and lost focus. I am no quite happy and content.

Hand me another beer.

11 years ago

I bought a klunker about a week ago, let me tell you this thing is fantastic fun! I honestly can’t see how it could cause any more trail damage than any other bike. Unskilled riders damage trails no matter what they ride. If ya wanna have boatloads of fun, rockhard abs and look good doing it get yourself one

11 years ago

I started klunking before there was klunking in the 70s old univegas on singletrack hell no there were no trails in Fresno . We road our road bikes cruiser or BMXs to the lake and blazed the rim of the dammed lake. MTBing before most knew it existed. Simple times. I have road all the genres and as a 190lber now klunking makes sense. It was all about fun, I could care less about trophies or that crap. If you wanna klunk do it do not let some hipster(WTF is a hipster anyway haha) tell to you (Transition that you are doing the industry a disservice) If I knew I wouldn’t get deleted I would use a few 4 letter words for them. Hurray for thinking literally outside the box. I have been seeing a trend on how someone(Brands can out each other with materials and GIMMICKY features. I have a half dozen pre war klunkers in the works right now. In fact I am only going to finish 2 restorations, the rest are getting Klunenstiened *( I coined that OK)* way too fun and everyone that sees me coming do nothing but smile. Keep them coming and home you bring a few down next August to Santa Barbara’s Cruiser Fiesta, love to meet you guys. If you can the only thing I would do is team up with someone and have some HD coasters made up. You have a built in market eager and waiting. By the way a few of my klunkers have the SE saddles with the bottle opener builtin’ let’s don on some plaid and some 501’s and vans an pop a couple of Budlight Limes!! I will be purchasing one of your rides in the near future and you have my son and friends drooling at your video! Klunk on Brian, Klunk on!

11 years ago

Transition Bikes, you guys ROCK!.About time somebody came out with a no frill’s,no carbon, no B.S. component’s bike for the peep’s that just want to ride for the fun of it.Back to basic’s rider with no shiftlever’s,brakelever’s,computer’s cluttering up the handlebar’s. So let’s put on some cargo short’s longsleeve tee shirt and your favorite pair of beat up van’s and go klunkin. Leave the multicolored lycra short’s and jersey’s to the elitist’s gaylord roadies and beemer driven mtbr’s.

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