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iPhone Map App Shows Every Mountain Bike Trail In The US

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Ok, maybe not every, but 5,000+!

PRESS RELEASE: Total Square, LLC, an Austin, TX based software development startup has released an iPhone application called Mountain Bike Trails, the application is built by mountain bikers for mountain bikers and provides detailed directions to thousands of trails all over the United States and will continue to add to the list with every new version. So far there are nearly 5,000 trails in the application which details over 50,000 miles of trail information. Users will discover new trails in their area and be able to easily locate hard-to-find trailheads when in unfamiliar areas.

The application is available for purchase at an introductory price of $4.99 on iTunes

Click ‘more’ to see features and a little more about the folks who developed this app… (click on pictures to see larger image)


Current Features include:
– Instantly discover trails near you with the simple click of a button
– Search trails by name or location
– Find out if the trail is suited for you by browsing the Skill Levels
– Utilize the familiar Google Maps interface
– Access our growing database of over 5,000 trails. There are over 50,000 miles of trails now at your finger tips!
– Get detailed GPS directions directly to the trail of your choice

About the developers:

“A recent mountain biking trip to New Mexico inspired us to create this application. Anyone who has ridden the area knows the trails are amazing, but without local beta it can be tricky to find the best trails. The local shops in New Mexico are amazing and gave us the information we needed to have a good time, but again and again we found ourselves needing a little bit more detail on exactly how to find the best the area had to offer. Finding information each morning before the bike shops had opened meant that we were stuck waiting instead of out riding. Hence the inspiration for MountainBike for the iPhone was born and after extensive testing we are releasing it to you.

We hope you find the application useful and promise that future versions will keep you launching the application every time you ride, even on the trails you know by heart.”

More information is available at totalsquare.com

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15 years ago

They really need to include a list of trails, I’d hate to buy this app and find out it has nothing in my area.

15 years ago

I bought this app, holy cow there are so many trails I didn’t even know about, you can map trails in each state, every state that I looked at has so many trails, it is amazing. I live in Iowa and I there are several trails within an hour drive that I didn’t even know about, I did a google search and there are actually trails there, which means I now have some new places to ride! I am so stoked about this app, for sure one of the best apps that I have on my phone. I emailed them a second time and they said that they are adding new features which will be free, worth the 5 bucks for sure.

Dave Marshall
Dave Marshall
15 years ago

Got the app a few hours ago, it is really cool, they are not joking about 5000 trails, everything I ride is in there, I cant wait to take it on the road to give it a more rigorous test. Initially I thought $5.00 was a lot, but I will get a ton of use out of it and I shell that out for a magazine without even thinking about it. It would be nice if they had more trail descriptions but that is my only complaint.

15 years ago

Most of the people in the clubs i ride with have blackberrys, so it would be great if there was a version for blackberry’s ..specially the new storm.

Mountain Bike App
15 years ago

We are really excited that BikeRumor.com posted this article, we actually just submitted version 1.1 to Apple for App Store approval so it should be available for free download soon. 1.1 adds over 1,000 trails in the UK, Canada, and Australia, it also adds hundreds in the US and tons of updates to existing trails. We are hard at work on version 1.2 which will add more features and more countries. Our plan is to make this the premier Mountain Bike Application.

Hopefully I can answer a couple of the above questions:

Topmounter, Apple limits us on the amount of text that we can put in the app store and we do have thousands of trails in the app so we don’t really have an easy way to put that information into the app store, email us and we will answer any specific questions you have right away.

Kristibee, you are right just drop us a line and we add trails, update trails that are closed, or let you know what trails are in your area.

IowaBiker, we are glad you like the app, we really want to build the up the MTB community and get people riding more, it is great that you have some new places to ride.

Dave, we really like the magazine comparison, people have emailed us asking us why we set the price at $4.99 and the answer is that we plan to support this application for the long term, add advanced new features and keep trail information current. A lot of apps have little utility and we think that ours will be very useful for a very long time so be sure to install the free updates as they become available on the App store.

Ed, we are looking into releasing versions for other mobile platforms, unfortunately I don’t have an exact ETA, but it should be in the very near future.

Again thank all of you for your support, if you own our app look for the 1.1 release in the coming week or so!

Thanks from Chris and James, we ride in Austin Texas so if you going to be in the area let us know and we will show you around our favorite trials.


15 years ago

Good stuff, I’ll check it out. I have a fair amount of GPS data that I can upload from my Garmin (if that’s possible, can’t recall). Maybe you could add something to your website, maybe a simple list showing the # of trails currently in the db by state would be plenty to get some of us over the hump. I’m sure the “secret trail nazi” crowd is going to hate this app.

Mountain Bike App
15 years ago

Kristibee, thanks for the words of encouragement, topmounter we would love to use any data that we have, drop us an email (support at totalsquare.com -trying to avoid SPAM by not putting a clickable email address). Great idea on putting the number of trails per state, I will get right on that, we are also going to put together a video for our site that shows the app in action. There are lots of things that we want to be first to market with so we are being a bit hush hush on upcoming features but we are hard at work on some of these advanced features and will get them into the app as soon as they are stable and ready to be rolled out.


Mountain Bike App
15 years ago

I forgot to mention we are giving away two copies a day on twitter, check it out:



15 years ago

Hello iam living in Spain and i was wondering if this app had trails for Spain?

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