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Kids Bikes w/o The Plastic? Velorbis Closes The Cycling Generation Gap

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The 24″ Vickie, Named After The Adult Version, Victoria – Probably A Bit Too Big For Her Just Now

Victoria and Churchill just gave birth to twins – Vickie and Churchie. Straight from the happiest country in the world, Denmark, comes a new line of high-end children’s bikes. Known for their commitment to bringing “grace back into cycling” and doing so without a single piece of plastic, Velorbis, after rising to great heights of quality is now spreading into new horizons of clientele and this time the kids are invited. So, if your son or daughter is of as discerning taste as yourself, read on to ensure their success on two wheels…

Churchill’s Son, Churchie – 24″ Version Pictured

Velorbis is claiming three firsts for their inaugural kids line: front drum brakes (keeping things clean, both literally and aesthetically), leather saddle (what other company can claim that?), and leather grips. The pictured leather tote is just one option from a full additional product-line offered by Velorbis (in addition to some classy sunglasses).


Just like Momma Victoria and Papa Churchill, these kids bicycles feature lugged steel frames, powder-coated rims, and a trademarked metal rear rack designed to attach the optional leather tote bags. Available this April, Velorbis is producing two sizes for both girls and boys: Kids 5-8 years (20″ wheels; 595 euros) and Junior 8-12 years (24″ wheels; 650 euros), both made in Germany.

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11 years ago

It should come with a time machine so I can go back in time and ride it. That is the coolest kids bike I have seen in a long time.

11 years ago

Beautiful bikes!

11 years ago

They’re really nice, really. But what kind of normal kid wants a bike like that? Every kid l’ve seen wants a bmx or something they can do sweet jumps with. i would sport the crap out of the adult version, totally!

11 years ago

What kind of lunatic spends 595 Euros on a bike that a kid will outgrow in a year!?!?!? Panniers & racks? Are they commuting now too?? What an embarassing waste of money :(.

bin judgin
bin judgin
11 years ago

A kids bike that will last!

11 years ago

Not a single piece of plastic? Sure… and shifters are steel… and reflectors in pedals as well :p

Seriously pretty bikes, but as already said can not see little ‘uns really wanting them.

No knobbly fat tires, discs, suspension… Unless kids in Denmark are not like others xD

And what about the weight of these beauties?


11 years ago

And the weight of this kids bike is? Yea, clearly high.
Note to parents of kids who might potentially ride this – you will probably have to push it at some point. And don’t buy something that appeals to you, because statistically it won’t appeal to your kids.
Why does the bike industry continually get kids bikes so wrong?

11 years ago

Yes, they look pretty, and I don’t doubt the quality, but plastic (and aluminium) is lightweight. I bet those steel monsters weigh a ton! What child would enjoy trying to ride one of those up a slight incline?

At more than twice the price of the nearest Islabike, which is the benchmark for top quality kid’s bikes, why would you bother?

11 years ago

These aren’t aimed at the the kids, there aimed at the adults who see their kids as accessories – we will definitely see the little darling being displayed on these in the parks of the posh boroughs of London – and I presume where ever the equivalent of that is stateside?

Dave B
Dave B
11 years ago

“These aren’t aimed at the the kids, there aimed at the adults who see their kids as accessories.”
+1 they are definitely designed to impress overachieving parents, not the kids who will actually have to ride these costly anvils. The chain case, fenders and rack alone probably weigh as much as many complete kid’s bikes.

11 years ago

Who cares about the practicality/business sense of these bikes? None of us are going to buy one and none of us will be affected when the business flops. These things are adorable as all get out and this is the only time I’ll ever see them. Well done guys, you made me smile a bit!

11 years ago

I think that this great, its about emulating commuting parents. If you get children interested in commuting by bicycles early, it sticks. Yes that is a lot of coin for a bike, but its sets an example that can be tailored. Yes its a fashion statement, but what bike is not a fashion statement or example of personal identity? Plus it has the potential to last for a bit and one can pass it on or pay it forward to another lucky child.

11 years ago

Finally! My kids were looking for a stylish commuter. Fenders check. Rack check. Chainguard check.

11 years ago

I’m with everyone else. As someone who has loved bikes from a young age and someone who would actually like to have a bike like that (I’m 28 now) I wouldn’t be caught dead on that thing when I was a kid. I wanted (and had) a Dyno VFR (entry level bmx race bike) and then later wanted something I could jump around with pegs.

11 years ago

poor kids…

11 years ago

Kids in Europe do commute! (to school). While fenders and racks aren’t mandatory, Lights (Generator lights in Germany) are required in a lot of European countries, if you (regardless of age) use a bike in traffic.
That said, there are more practical (and still pretty) iterations of childrens commuters.
At least 2 models use a “grow along” geometry (Patria Skippy/Krüger Primus – Krüger may actually be the people who make these).

11 years ago

I can see these being used in flat European countries like Denmark and the Netherlands where everyone is riding their bikes to school/work. Sure the kids may outgrow them in time but they can be resold and/or passed around for a very long time. In North America? Not so much.

11 years ago

“without a single piece of plastic”
Just to be pedantic, pedal reflectors, as required by law, fender mount, shifter, bell lever.

If they used an old style 3-speed shifter, that would have no plastic except the cable. They could also use metal fender mounts. Bells with metal levers are available too.

11 years ago

Not all kids are crazy about bmx or mountain bikes nowadays. I can only go off of my area, and what I see from day-to-day. A large portion of kids (excluding guys) enjoy having cute bicycles that look like this. Whether or not it is worth it is up to the customer to decide. I don’t think it is worth it though.

11 years ago

For what it’s worth, my daughter (who turned 11 in January) wanted a new bicycle for her birthday and when we went to look at them, she was much more interested in the beach style cruisers than the bmx style bikes. Unfortunately, the only cruisers we found in her size were single speeds and she’s ready to have some gears and handle bar brakes too. We got her the bmx bike but we’re going to add a cruiser style seat.

11 years ago

Plenty of kids ride to school…

Plenty of kids want a chill city bike and have no interest in jumps or shocks, but have only “Kids Mountainbikes” to choose from. And finding a kids bike with a chaincase and rack and fender mounts in the USA is very very difficult.

Bicycles are transportation first and toys second (and I go play with my fancy toys plenty) and I’m happy that these bikes send that message. A bit spendy, and yes a more limited market, but I hope they do well.

David Lewis
David Lewis
11 years ago

I agree with @dontcoast wholeheartedly.

Also, you should do a little research before publishing press releases. Unboxed from a steamship from Communist China and the handlebars tightened in Germany is not the same thing as “Made in Germany”. Leica, for example, screws the top plate on their cameras and makes final adjustment in Germany, and proudly features “Made in Germany” in prominent bold letters on the outside of their camera bodies. In reality, the cameras come almost fully assembled from Portugal and are made partly with Chinese parts. I toured the factory and my heart was broken when I discovered this fact.

Dolan Halbrook
Dolan Halbrook
11 years ago

Along with the Linus offerings, these look like great options. Although in less than flat places I’d favor the low weight and gear range of the Islabikes (my son’s 1×7 Beinn 20 weighs ~17 lbs) for a similar cost.

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