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LeMond Looking to Start Making Bikes Again?

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We’re uncertain how long it has been up, but just after posting that Greg LeMond had started a new company to continue sales of his revolution trainer, we noticed that there is a survey on GregLeMond.com, inquiring to whether or not they should resurrect the LeMond road bike brand. LeMond bicycles was founded by Greg in 1990 as he was looking to create better bikes for himself to race and he thought they could be sold to the general public. In 1995, Greg struck a deal with Trek much like Gary Fisher or Gary Klein. Trek manufactured and distributed the bicycles until a lawsuit filed by LeMond cycling led to a counter suit by Trek, and essentially the death of the brand. The lawsuits have since been settled, and with the whole Lance chronicles, who knows?

What do you think? Should LeMond start making bikes again? Would you buy one?

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12 years ago

Now that Lance has fallen from grace, LeMond is looking less crazy. I think he should start selling bikes again. His old line of nice steel bikes might do well with people looking for something other than the latest plastic bike. I would love to see a LeMond 953 at a non-custom bike price point.

12 years ago

There’s some tooling shops in Detroit, Wisconsin and Massachusetts that I’m sure would like to take on that job.
I always pined for a Poprad that I never got around to buying.

12 years ago

Always liked LeMond’s line up. They were always nice rigs. Can’t say I’d buy one, but I’d welcome them back to the market.

12 years ago

I owned a ti “victoire classique” and loved the hell out of it. If he built bikes with a little panache again, I would buy one.

12 years ago


12 years ago

The survey has been there for ages. This isn’t news.

12 years ago

I would NEVER buy one – or anything else with his name on it – or that he has touched him in any way. He is negative energy. Bad mo-jo. Sludge. Conflicted Soul in crisis.
I feel sorry for the guy – but I’ve learned the hard way – to “stay away from his kind”.

12 years ago

this has been up since at lest Feb 2011.. BR getting their scoop from silly un-informed bike forums?


12 years ago

for the EXACT opposite reason, i would buy one. after all the sh!t he’s been put thru- the black listing- the way TREKSTRONG completely ruined the guy…

i’d buy one just out of principle. just as i’d never buy a Trek.

12 years ago

I had a Lemond Zurich for 7 years and absolutely loved it. I sold it because I lost my job…biggest mistake ever. I’d buy it back in a heartbeat. It was comfortable and fast.

12 years ago

I ride a LeMond Chambery as my rain bike. It’s a great bike, but Greg, if you’re listening, you gotta do something about the paint man. It flakes if you looks at it wrong. Good thing it’s aluminum.

12 years ago

They have got be more than just different stickers and paint on the same Asian frames. I’d go for something handmade, maybe out of the Waterford or Gunnar shop with the LaMond name on it.

12 years ago

I have an ’02 Buenos Aires that I love. Nice and light steel ride. Cool almost retro styling in some of the bike he made. Heck yes I’d buy it again if I was looking for a steel bike.

12 years ago

I’m not sure what Grateful is talking about or what got stuck up his arse, and Hungry4Shht is right about that survey being up for ages.

I’d buy a new LeMond in a heartbeat.

Lazy Spinner
Lazy Spinner
12 years ago

I’d add twin Poprads to my stable if they were made again.

12 years ago

@Grateful: Bet you still think Lance didn’t dope either, right?

The Dude
The Dude
12 years ago

Please no. Lemond bikes are just as terrible as the pompous a$$holes that ride them.

12 years ago

That decades-old company had a different consumer map than exists today. Today’s Chinese carbon is too prevalent. Small custom on one end, uber-distirbution mega-gruppo-purchasing power low-price monster companies on the orher. He has too old of a name to entice any of the Lance-generation or younger buyers. How long and how many hoops would you jump through to get a name of similar quality for more money? I would love innovation to win…

12 years ago

Not sure if I would buy one or not. I had a pre-Trek Lemond Columbus TSX frame in the 90’s, one of the best bikes I ever had. A friend still has it as a rain bike. I think they were made in Italy at the time…

12 years ago

I had a Tete de Course and loved it. I dig his take on bikes. I admire his career most of all – to me he’s a hero. Depends on which side of the Lance issue you’re on.

12 years ago

If the Lemond brand could bring something new and fresh to the table, it would be cool. I mean, I personally can’t really see into the future and figure out what that would or should be– but there has got to be someone out there who can. Lemond should connect with them, relaunch as something no one has ever seen, and watch the haters hate while they rock out. However, if resurrecting the brand entails flying to taiwan, buying a carbon bike, and having a friend design graphics… well, we have enough of that out in the world.

12 years ago

Bring it back as a big f-you to Lance

12 years ago

Trek should volunteer to produce the bikes for LeMond with the stipulation that each bike will say “We are sorry… LeMond” on every bike. 🙂

Seriously, Trek, you screwed this up so freakin’ bad. I’ve bought so many of your bikes before, but never will again, unless you offer Greg a sincere apology.

12 years ago

I’d buy them.

12 years ago

just as i’ve tired of lance i’ve tired of lemond. time to fade into obscurity.

12 years ago

There’s a lot of competition out there. I couldn’t say for sure that i would buy one until I was looking in earnest. What I can say is that I would definitely consider a LeMond. I would not and still won’t consider a Trek. It would have to be a better offering than a bunch of other brands – from the Big S to the smaller Warp 9 brand. Many of them have good price points on great rides.

12 years ago

Lemond bikes were awesome! They never fit me right – toptubes were too long – but if they went back into production and the geometry worked for me, hell yes I’d buy one!

12 years ago

Please no more Asian built bikes

12 years ago

The survey has been up for two years and people have been talking about it ever since…least timely bikerumor ever? Not sure…

12 years ago

I have a Zurich cira 2002. Great frame, average fork, poor wheels …Bontrager. I assume he will farm out production to a company that you could buy a bike from today. So what would you be paying for? His geometry, paint job and name? Does he really know something about frame design that current builders/ designers don’t know. Chris Boardman and Cipollini seem to be having some success selling their frames.

paul kopko
paul kopko
12 years ago

Lemond made some nice bikes going back to the 90′ s I really like the 2007 Poprad cross bike. It featured a carbon fork with mechanical disc brakes. Quite innovative in 2007. He also made some superlight steel frames that were really nice. Hope he can get back into the business. By the way., Greg is still in my top 10 of best cyclists of all time. Lance never made my list even though I ride a Discovery edition 5.9 Madone

12 years ago

Lemond bikes are great especially the old stuff, but the newer stuff, the carbon stuff, was made strictly by trek. Those bikes sucked. I loved the old geometry on the old lemond, keep it simple and classic!!

12 years ago

Now that cookie-cutter mass production carbon has jumped the shark and more traditional high-end Steel and Ti frames are coming back into vogue… I say Lemond should go for it.

I might buy a Lemond HAha or maybe the Lemond 7-7=0.

12 years ago

I think that Greg should come out with a brand called “PEB”… Performance Enhancing Bikes ! :-))
…and the first bike should be called the “Juicer”…

12 years ago

Perfect time to bring back the Poprad Disc. Always wanted one of those.

12 years ago

Lemond earned everything he ever accomplished and rightful deserves his name on the downtune of a bike.

Also, his input back in the day brought carbon and Ti bikes into the peloton in a big way. He also made aerobars and SRM Powermeters the norm. The guy was innovative. Few cyclist contributed to development like he did.

I’ve owned 3 lemonds. 2 of the Trek era. Even those were good for the money. His geometry is suitable to those of us with long femurs too.

Oh and to the Lemond naysayers….Lance put him through hell. His family too. It’s not my place to share details, but I’ll just say its nice lance’s true colors showed through. Lemond is still the greatest pro tour racing cyclist from our country. And 100% class.

Bring Lemond bikes back.

Andy P
Andy P
12 years ago

If Trek still owns the right to the line of bikes, it would be really nice to see high quality somewhat mass produced steel and Ti bikes again. I don’ t think there needs to be another line of carbon bikes in the world.

12 years ago

I would get one in a heartbeat. I’ve had my current lemond for 15+ years and it is still an awesome bike and my main road bike. I hope he would focus on steel and Ti.

Kevin C
Kevin C
12 years ago

If they’re made in the US and I can get just a frameset then hell yes.

12 years ago

Lemond needs to come back.

I would buy one if: it’s a US Made frame, OX Platinum or 853, has fender mounts, is under 2K for a Tiagra/105 model, and has name brand hubs and rims (Tiagra/Open sport?) .

If Waterford makes it, it will be 3K for a Sora model lol, maybe trek can re-hire some of the people they had building Gary Fishers up to about 2008.

Mike C
Mike C
12 years ago

I’d love to see LeMond do mid-range steel bikes and capitalize successfully on Trek’s steel bike heritage, which they continue to ignore. Affordable would mean asian production, but USA production on higher end frames might work. I liked the LeMond carbon/ti and carbon/steel “spine” bikes…

Would there be a market for made in USA frameset Versus/631 tubing, Shimano 105, bb5, and “sport” level wheels Poprad Disk for $2k?

TJ Platt
TJ Platt
12 years ago

The title should read. “looking to buy some Asian-made bikes and have his name on them” The Lemonds that were awesome were the ones that Trek actually paid some real craftsman to make here in the states. Sad to think that they won’t be that again. 🙁

12 years ago

Have any of you seen Andy Hampsten’s bike line? Not cheap but sick. I’d love to see Greg go mid to high-end with steel frame dressed out with carbon parts.

He really needs to star in another Taco Bell commercial too!

12 years ago

….he should not make bikes again. As a business man he failed the number one rule…..do not let your personal opinion of others get in the way of proper business. He could be easily eclipsing sales of trek bikes right now if he would have just looked in the mirror and said to Himself that it just does not matter. Greg did not bring down LA, it happened in spite of all the rantings and bad press. If he would have just stood by, he would have his line up being blown out the doors at Mellow Johnny’s and the last laugh would be his….LA selling HIS bikes all day long…..
He will never learn the lesson that he should of when his first go at bikes failed miserably through working with family on their market presence…..simply keep your personal bullshit out of the way of growing your business.

12 years ago

No, the vaunted Lemond geometry was not a fit for me

12 years ago

No I wouldn’t buy it, I’m afraid it would always be whining and leaking tears everywhere

12 years ago

Always wanted a Columbus SL steel model (prior to TREK) but missed out…would love to see his bikes & name back on the market…

12 years ago

Only if he can bring something new or interesting to the table. To do it just because its a recognized brand name is greedy. Go big, or go home.

12 years ago

Yep if he did a nice mid priced steel or ti bike.

12 years ago

Donny-Please give us a link to your business. You talk like someone who knows jack shit about business.

Then again, you sound like someone who knows zero about Lemond and the threatening phone calls a sociopath named Lance Armstrong would make to his house. Lance’s vendetta against ANYONE who could be viewed as above him over a 15 year period. And Lemond’s justified view of Lance…..something many of you wankers said couldn’t be true…but alas…..Lemond was right.

I’ll say it again….Lemond is one of the few cyclists in the world who’s truly earned his name on the downtube of a bike. Nuff said.

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