Always game for something new and pretty, spotting these custom-designed carbon works of LOV from the Vail valley of Colorado was a treat. If you wanna stand out from the Giant-Trekalized crowd with a whopping pop of custom colors, look no further. Dazzle the eyes with more pics ahead…

LOV Bikes is playing a similar game as many others in their geometries and builds, but they are managing to do so to the beat of their own drum.

Owner Nate Picklo stated his vision for LOV Bikes is simply to build ‘em the way he likes to ride ‘em. And apparently Picklo likes full electronic groups with disc cuz that’s all he’s interested in showing off. (Although, I didn’t hear too many people complaining.)

Clearly, LOV’s core competency is paint. I doubt you’ve seen many manufacturers be so bold with color. As Emeril would say, “Bam!”

For the bold and proud — frame/fork/headset/seatpost:
Three colors: $2,499
Six colors (you know you want to): $2,999
And because I know you will ask — full DuraAce Di2 builds come in right at 17.0lbs for a 56cm, with Ultegra Di2 at “sub” 18lbs.

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