MountainSmith is better known for cool lumbar packs and camera bags, but the Bike Cube Deluxe is a cycling specific bag that is well designed with loads of features. It’s big enough to haul your helmet, shoes, sunglasses, some tools, clothing and nutrition, yet it seems to take up little room. Nice touches like two padded sunglasses pouches, a fold out mat for you feet and a small roll-up tool bag along with plenty of internal storage make it a go to piece. Find out more after the break. Constructed with ballistic and ripstop fabric the Cube is designed to take abuse. Sturdy stitching and big zippers mean that you will have this bag for a long time and is a big step above the basic heavy duty duffle bag. What makes it such a great hauler?
For starters, the Bike Cube Deluxe has cycling specific features that keep it from being just another random bag. One side pocket has a large mesh pouch where your helmet just happens to fit perfectly. The center storage area can be divided using a simple pad and makes the perfect place for shoes. A roll up tool bag holds your multi-tool, lube, spare tube and other necessities. The small fold out mat is great for changing into more comfortable shoes and can be used as a transition mat if you are racing a triathlon.
Then of course there are the various pouches and pockets for the random stuff like your iPod, spare energy bar, sunscrren, extra jersey or arm warmers. A mix of zippered pockets and open mesh pockets allow you to organize it your own way. There are two options when it comes to carrying the Cube. The padded shoulder strap works great to haul it to and from your car and the two center handles are great for grabbing it out of the car. The top section is vented to let your gear breathe a bit.

The Cube quickly became my go to bag for race day. Everything I could possibly need I could fit in and not have to worry about what items were in what bags. Racing in Colorado you never know what the weather will be like, and I appreciated being able to have my vest, arm warmers, cap and gloves just in case. For the coming cyclo-cross season this bag will be seeing plenty of duty hauling two pairs of shoes, enough clothing to start my own store and the spare tools I will need to fix my bike after trashing it for 45 minutes.

At $75 the Bike Cube Deluxe is a nice piece to have if you are constantly driving to start your ride or race frequently. MountainSmith knows how to build packs to withstand abuse so think of it as a long term investment in your sanity. The cycling specific design features and smart organization will quickly make the Cube your favorite bag. Find out more or pick one up at