It wasn’t enough to poke fun at plaid loving, burr grinder owning mountain bikers, now Matt Dennison of NSMB has turned his attention to the Spandex clad crowd.
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It wasn’t enough to poke fun at plaid loving, burr grinder owning mountain bikers, now Matt Dennison of NSMB has turned his attention to the Spandex clad crowd.
Let us know what steps you’re guilty of in the comments.
The only thing missing from this classic piece of videography would be the excuses made by roadies for every weather condition and situation: it’s to windy, too much head wind, not enough head wind, too much side wind, I am sweating to much, I am not sweating enough, I am just spinning today, this isn’t a hammer session, you’re not riding hard enough, if we don’t ride faster I will get hypothermia, why are you riding so fast it’s only January, I am only pulling for 10 seconds, you’re not pulling long enough. I am not a climber, why are you going so slow on the climbs… you get the idea. You finished it perfectly with “harden the f@&$ up. Unfornuately you can’t buy that with your new uber bike..
I prefer DurianRiders version