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Need A Winter Cross-Training Alternative To A Fat Bike? Sledgehammer!

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In the snowy areas of the country, the fat bike has made a way for us to keep riding and not hang up the wheels for the winter. If you are gravity-addicted, then a ski bike might make a better ride for your winter. This is nothing new, as Lenz Sport has been converting their summer bikes for a long time, and even has a ski-specific model.

If you are lucky enough to be in Germany or Austria during the winter, Sledgehammer is promoting their new ski bikes by renting them for €30 per day, including shipping them to you, and shipping them back at the end of the rental. They hope this access will make people interested in giving them a try.

The video is a pretty good explanation of what happens with a ski bike, and is great to watch, especially if you like watching people crash as they attempt to try a backflip.


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10 years ago

Here is the bike available from the US importer.

And if you want a really killer setup, check out this US builder.

10 years ago

How do you expect to float in any powder with this ? Groomed tracks only, and you won’t try any tricks on hardpack. The snowscoots made by Sunn/Commençal since 1992 are wider, but it doesn’t deter them from being the stupidest thing on the mountain.

10 years ago

+1 / true dat

Eric E. Strava
Eric E. Strava
10 years ago

There’s actually a pretty mature technology for sliding down mountains in the winter…it’s called skiing. If you ride DH in the summer, the crossover of skills is pretty substantial.

10 years ago

Lenzsport is far superior

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