Buckle up shredders. Racing is back. The Enduro World Series have announced new dates for the 2020 Austrian/Slovenian and French rounds. Following Round 1 to be held in Zermatt, Switzerland on August 30, Round 2 will go ahead on October 3th-4th in Petzen/Jamnica on the Austrian/Slovenian border – I hope to be there myself. Olargues, France will host Round 3 later that month on the 17th-18th October. Here’s the new EWS Dates for 2020.

New 2020 EWS Dates
R1 (+EWS-E) Zermatt SUI – 30 August
Trophy of Nations (+EWS-E) Finale Ligure ITA 26/27 September
R2 Petzen/Jamnica AUS/SLO – 3/4 October
R3 (+EWS-E) Olargues FRA – 17/18 October
R4 Manizales COL – 6/7 November
R5 Farellones CHI – 14/15 November
The Trophy of Nations race is still set to go ahead on 26th-27th September. It will play host to an EWS-E event, as will the Zermatt and Olargues events. Rounds 4 and 5, originally set to go ahead in Spring have been rescheduled to 6-7th November and 14th-15th November in Manizales, Colombia and Farellones, Chile, respectively.
The announcement should give athletes a bit of a lift with new dates to train towards.