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Peter Sagan Issues Video Apology for Podium Transgression

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Peter Sagan Issues Video Apology for Podium Transgression
Image c. Getty Images

It was the pinch felt round the world. In clearly a lapse in judgment, Peter Sagan overshadowed almost all of the Tour of Flanders, with a single pinch of the Podium Girl’s behind as Cancellara celebrated his win. Immediately after the photo was published, social media lit up – mostly in outrage and disappointment over the poor behavior displayed on the second step of the podium by Sagan. To address the criticism, and likely try to win back some of his fans, Sagan has issued a video apology stating that he is sorry for his actions. See the video, next.

Peter Sagan: Dear Maya [sic], women and fans, I know I have no excuse. here again my sincere apology…

What do you think? Should he be forgiven? Do podium girls still have a place in cycling? Let us know in the comments.

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11 years ago

He’ll learn from his mistake, continue to win bike races, do his funky and entertaining victory poses and people will forget all about this.

David Warren
David Warren
11 years ago


Funny…somehow it’s ok that races have podium girls.

11 years ago

Did what all men would do in that situation

11 years ago

yes David, there is nothing wrong in girls with shorts or tiny skirts and high heels, its absolutely normal and i’m sure all of them know cycling inside and out
it’s not an right attitude, it was at least unthinked of, but now let him be and train and win races, or at least do some manuals on the climbs,

Slick Rick
Slick Rick
11 years ago

Theres no way ‘forgiveness’ enters this picture. We should recognize this incident as evidence that the sport is misogynistic. Peter Sagan is 23. That doesn’t mean he shouldn’t know better, it means he’s impressionable, and all he does with his time is ride bikes professionally, so its safe to call that atmosphere his number one influence. Who is there to forgive? And what good would that possibly do? No, it should be made clear that its disgusting to grab someone’s butt when they haven’t made it absolutely clear that the grabbing is welcome. Anyone arguing to the contrary is justifying sexual harassment and should picture any women they care about in the disempowered position of the ‘podium girl’ who name no one even knows.

Slick Rick
Slick Rick
11 years ago

If people forget about this it will be bad for the sport, and for everyone.

11 years ago

Lapse in judgement perhaps, yet comical. If Peter still has the urge/impulse to squeeze another behind, i would like to offer mine up. Ladies he is totally delicious it’s all forgivable.

11 years ago

People are pathetic! I say good for him taking advantage of the opportunity. Too much politically correct crap!!! As the Eagles song says….GET OVER IT…..

11 years ago

I think he’ll be forgiven, in time – it’s not good behavior, but he apologized as he should- first and foremost to her. He’s young, he was probably amped up on the podium, got a little cocky. I’m sure worse has happened.

And yes, if the NBA gets laker girls, then cycling should get podium girls. I liken them to miss america contestants..the whole thing is kind of pointless, but everyone seems to enjoy it and it’s a career start for some.

Steve M
Steve M
11 years ago

Pete that is funny as hell- hell- next time take a bite.

Betty Beige
Betty Beige
11 years ago

Sagan is genetically a muthafugn P I M P, I don’t think that’s something you can technically apologize for ..

Hell Yeah!!!!
Hell Yeah!!!!
11 years ago

Let him have his fun.

11 years ago

Lighten up. There was no malice. Joie de vivre!

11 years ago

Glad Peter was reading from the cue card on his 3 sentence apology. He may have not been able to actually communicate. Good thing you can ride the piss out of a bike, Peter. Don’t worry, keep riding and you won’t have to actually have any social ability to communicate =)

11 years ago

Cancellara’s chamois outclasses Sagan,. He just had to have the attention that was supposed to be reserved for the guy who just crushed him one on one.

Psi Squared
Psi Squared
11 years ago

Neanderthals, no matter what a girl is wearing, you don’t have license to touch them without their consent. Good on Sagan for apologizing. That apology at least show’s a level of maturity and respect that a few idiots that have commented here will never have.

11 years ago

Right or wrong, is the first time it’s ever happened? I think no. Is this all we have to worry about in cycling?

11 years ago

Hey how about this for a crazy idea……..2 podiums, one for men and one for women……side by side…..with a jointly held presentation and equal TV footage…..no couldn’t happen…creating a context for mutual respect is way too progressive

11 years ago

An apology? that man deserves a better bike, more sponsors and new models with big butts to hug.

11 years ago

Wait, if the NBA gets to pointlessly objectify women, we have to jump on that bus, too?

11 years ago

I would say no harm no foul unless the podium girl was genuinely upset by the ass grab.

11 years ago

@Psi Squared: That is what is wrong with America this days.

11 years ago

So with have a bimbo who is kissing the winner (I bet she did not ask for a formal permission to touch him), and you can’t even pinch her butt?

Wussificated society.

Star stevenson
Star stevenson
11 years ago

A young man high on his accomplishments, stoked to be living his dreams, high on caffeine, and god knows what else makes a mistake. He is young and at the moment high on life. A fit women leans over and bam a little mistake. An apology to the women that wanted to be objectified is a must. I am WAY over it! AH to be as young as her and and young as him…

Joshua Murdock
11 years ago

My thoughts as I read the comments:

“Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean that really got outta hand fast.”

11 years ago

It’s only wrong if the woman didn’t think it was funny and the apology should then go to her, not the public…geez.
I’m more upset that he just had to do something to take away from Cancellara’s victory…little brat. You know he was laughing after that apology that he was forced to do. Maybe his team captain and sponsors should apologize for making him apologizes for something we all know he’s not sorry for. Go men!

11 years ago

He only did what every second and third place finisher in any sport has wanted to do since the beginning of organized competition.

jon jon
jon jon
11 years ago

we should have the Chippendales dudes present Marrianne Vos’ trophy topless. 6’5″ solid 8 packs of abs, copper skin tone, cut and define, and all that jazz….

11 years ago

what about lesbian cyclist/ gay cyclist? i think hermafroditas for everyone and problem solved. hope uci is reading this. or shemales for the podium could work too. what do u think?

11 years ago

What if the whole thing is an April Fools joke?

11 years ago

Guy made a bet with his buddies that he would not grab the podium gals posterior…he won.

While I get the upset…fact is boys will be boys sometimes; and I can see a few of my buddies in a similar time and place doing the same thing. Not sure any real harm was done, nor do I know that this act was representative of or boy Sagan. I must admit, he does seem like perhaps he might have just a touch of (as a friend put it) “Euro Redneck” in him. Good times.

11 years ago

Pete, keep riding like a champ and squeezing asses the same way.

11 years ago


The “gays”, who in general are more promiscuous and far less sexually repressed than most straight folks, are out to get Sagan, eh?

You are quite the thinker.

11 years ago

Funny that the majority of comments are by guys. Unwanted touching from anyone is uncalled for, guy or girl. Just because a woman works as a podium girl, doesn’t mean she deserves to get groped by some guy with a probably tiny steroid penis.

That’s like saying if a girl wears a revealing outfit, she deserves to get raped. Way to make the gap between when and women and the sport of cycling grow even farther apart. How are women supposed to be taken seriously if guys just view them as their play things?

That woman could be an amazing athlete herself, but you would never know because some “famous” dick head bike racer grabbed her ass.

11 years ago

Yeah, he did something wrong, but people complaining about how misogynistic the sport is need to relax. Your feminist efforts are out of place, all y’all. He apologized. Meanwhile, 75% of you probably voted for Obama, and the rest of you voted for Romney, and both of them are all about killing people in foreign countries. Save your rage for something meaningful.

Psi Squared
Psi Squared
11 years ago

Nice red herrings there, Dan.

Meanwhile the podium girl tweeted this: “What happened on Sunday was wrong. I hope this never happens again. But I’m sure it won’t…excuses accepted @petosagan”. Apparently she didn’t asked to be touched and despite what the neanderthal throwbacks here think, she thought it was wrong. That attitudes here what build the foundation for a culture in which sexual imposition, assault, and rape are okay.

11 years ago


11 years ago

He made a mistake. He recognized it. It was dumb. But so is the wacky tradition of podium girls in our sport. Slick Rick, give your holier than though a rest. It was a dumb, spur of the moment action but frankly, given the trophy chick thing at the end of each race, which is just damned silly and could be argued in itself as misogynistic, Sagan’s action is just in line with the whole silly thing.

11 years ago

Sagan is the biggest bada$$ in cycling right now. I hope he continues his reign of awesomeness and keeps on winning/making scenes on the podium. He has been my hero since day one. Not saying everyone should be like him, but we need someone with his style in this sport.

11 years ago

i’m really quite sure i’ve performed equally stupid acts at that age….not just once mind you. All of you pointing fingers are equally guilty of doing stupid shit. Cheers

bin judgin
bin judgin
11 years ago

yall take bikes pretty serious.

more about 650b carbon 6″ mtbs that weigh 25 pounds, please.

11 years ago

@Psi Squared: Oh sure, pinching butt is what makes rape OK. Are you being intentionally dense?

11 years ago

That girl is smooching a complete stranger in front of a large audience. That is what is wrong.

Sagan did nothing wrong.

11 years ago

This comment thread is EXACTLY why a dumb mistake like this needs to be called out. Sagan is dumb and macho and he made a poor decision, he should be forgiven.

However; what the mistake represents is the attitude that women are “asking for it” if they choose a given profession, or dress a certain way, or are promiscuous with other men. NONE OF THIS MATTERS. If a woman does not ask for it, she is not “asking for it”. People should generally be respective of each other’s space and this goes double-ly (or triple-ly or quadruple-ly) for advances of a sexual manner.

His acting this way has reinforced the rest of y’all’s completely outdated, ridiculously dumb ideas that sexually harassing someone is ok.

Until today, I had no idea that the majority of Bikerumor’s readership hails from Stuebenville.

11 years ago

I’m sorry, but this is insane. She was willing to be a podium girl but offended that he grabbed her behind. In what framework or logic does this make sense. One could argue that the whole podium girl thing is misogyny and problem of gender roles but damn. And talking about slippery slope from this to rape. People, get a grip. She is obviously good looking, he got cheeky, she didn’t like it, he apologized, end of story.

Now lets go back to regular daily lives and plot how to subjugate women. /sarcasm off

11 years ago

Totally agree with Keith @ 6.08.
This situation was blown waaaay out of proportion . Sagan is young, he’s got an expansive ( would not dare to call it “flamboyant ” yet, in a Cipolini-esc way ) personality and he’s a great cycling talent.
Suure, his gesture was not ok, not arguing with that.
But i’m also sure that the blondie didn’t actually suffer any kind of psychological trauma either. Sagan put his hand, the masses limit themselves to eye-groping. What’s the difference ? If women want total equality then why do hostesses keep being employed for auto shows, sport events or even yogurt sampling in supermarktets ?

It would have been disturbing if, per say, Fabian would have done that ( whilst being more mature, married and all that ) .
Otherwise, let the guy have his lesson, as in letting him now that he should be more restrained while in the spot light. Hell, i might even agree if a sponsor would speak his mind within the team’s meetings.

But don’t make it a butthurt feminist drama. That’s just annoying.

11 years ago

There isn’t much room for a chubber in those shorts.

David French
11 years ago

Sagan is my new favourite cyclist of all time, I’m just disappointed that he said sorry 😉

Psi Squared
Psi Squared
11 years ago

Wow. There are actually idiots that think that because a lady is a podium girl or that because she’s dressed a certain way they’re allowed to touch and squeeze as they see fit. Sagan saw the error in his actions, but the idiots here don’t see anything. I bet they’d see things differently if it was a man grabbing their asses or if it was their daughter. This same idiots just don’t get that they don’t have the right to touch as they please.

11 years ago

OK, reverse the situation. A man decides to go out clubbing and dresses up and is looking good. The man would be totally OK with being randomly groped by another man or by a 400 pound Sasquatch of a woman who happened to be standing close by? After all, the man in question dressed up in nice clothes and took pains to gook good, so he OBVIOUSLY deserves it if anyone he sees decides to grope him at will right? I mean, he was asking for it, right? He should just laugh it off and “get over it”? Unwanted touching is always wrong, all of the time.

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