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PodRide, a wild enclosed 3 or 4 wheeled e-bike that looks like a micro car

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Let’s get this out of the way. The PodRide is pretty much crazy. That said, the fully enclosed multi-wheel recumbent bike was designed to be protected from the weather, to be a more comfortable way to commute by bike in all seasons. With a shell designed to look like a miniature car, it is without a doubt crazy looking, but inside it packs a lot of the logical features of a multi-wheel recumbent bike as a viable alternate to driving and with a small e-bike motor making even more sense. Its Swedish designer Mikael Kjellman crowdfunded the concept’s development based on this working prototype last year and is now working on building a version that you might be able to buy before the end of 2017.

And in the meantime, watching him ride the thing on a frozen pond and over his local dirt jumps is sure to put a smile on your face, like it did for us…

The PodRide is all about pedaling anywhere you need to go in any weather. It is designed for an upright riding position so it is visible on the road amongst cars, but is also narrow enough to stick to the bike paths or the odd bit of trail. While it looks nothing like a bicycle, it is pedal-powered and shares a lot with three (or more) wheeled recumbents.

This version that Kjellman developed for his prototype uses 4 wheels for stability, and gets a bit of electronic assist care of a 250W e-bike motor at the crankset. It also tops out with the electric motor support at 25km/h which means it is classified in Europe as an e-bike, so can be ridden on both roads and cycle paths.

This is the version of the PodRide that is being further developed now, and is expected to be available at the end of this year to buy.

In the US & Canada 4 wheels + a motor kicks the PodRide out of the e-bike category in most instances, so for North American customers two alternate versions will be available. At first a non-motorized version without the e-bike motor will be available at the same time as the powered EU version. Then a second 3-wheel e-bike version will be available a few months later.

The development now is focusing on how to take the current working prototype and recreate it with a construction that will be lighter weight, more efficient to produce in quantity, and be easier to transport than the current welded steel structure. The PodRide is also getting a slightly larger cargo area that will make it possible to carry a kid inside too (not just strapped in a trailer like in the prototype.)

Overall with its 20″ wheel platform, the PodRide is just 196cm long, which makes it shorter than many DH bikes, but just about 6cm longer than my XC bike. It’s 75cm wide, which again puts it in between the normal width of handlebars you’d find on a mountain bike, but a fair bit wider than most commuters. It will still fit through most doors though. The prototype weights 70kg, but the production goal is to get that at least under 60kg & maybe under 50kg.

To steer the thing, you get two control sticks on either side of the large padded seat, that also hold the brake levers to manage the front & rear discs and a grip shift for its CVT internal hub that drives the rear wheels.

Getting in and out you flip forward the canopy, then once inside you can pedal around town no matter how cold or wet it gets outside. Operable windows and a vented windshield (with a hand-operated windshield wiper) keep you comfortable no matter the weather. And outside LED headlights, taillights and turn signals make sure you are seen on the road.

A lot of details like battery size, ultimate e-assist range (current version is good for ~60km), weight, and the all important pricing are still completely up in the air as the growing ProRide company sorts out bringing the thing to market.

We can’t get over watching this thing bounce around on the local dirt jumps. #doabackflip

It seems surprisingly fun and capable in the snow & on ice too. #icydonuts


If any or all of that still sounds crazy awesome enough to be a good great idea, you can still get in as an early backer. Through their ongoing Indiegogo campaign, you can still contribute to support the PodRide’s development and locking in up to 10% off of the retail cost once it is available.


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ol shel
ol shel
8 years ago

This is going to receive universal praise from this crowd…

8 years ago

well for one thing, four wheels precludes it from being a bicycle of anysort.

the biz
the biz
8 years ago
Reply to  fred

pedant voltron assemble!

8 years ago

this is nothing but a novelty, but this guy has been written up in every silly bike blog on earth over the last year. Why? This is not a viable vehicle. That seating position is inefficient for pedaling. The shape and weight is inefficient. it’s nothing but a heavy, slow waste of time and money. But because it looks like a cute little clown car it gets shared on the intertubes.

8 years ago

Finally, transportation for pod people. “It has nothing to do with pods. It has nothing to do with people. It has everything to do with hurting.”

8 years ago

Just label them as Human Powered Vehicles and add e-assist if it has an electric motor to aid in propulsion. Great transportation idea for areas that are use to a lot of slower moving vehicles.

8 years ago

that is cool, i would commute rainy days with that, i think it would be ok in most bike lanes

8 years ago

It’s a “velomobile”. They’ve been around for a long time, but they never seem to take off. My guess is that the people who could use these the most – urban dwellers, don’t have enough space or would have to carry it up stairs. The people who have room to store these things at ground level live in places where they need a lot more range and have to deal with high speed car traffic. And the final hurdle is price. Until the market gets big enough, velomobiles will be way too expensive for most people to even consider. Even though velomobiles are really fun to think about, they are kind of like bike trailer RVs – not practical for most people, most of the time.

Jack Moore
Jack Moore
8 years ago
Reply to  Thor29

Great points about space in urban & suburban environments. Do you think they could thrive in a bike-share program? Maybe something you could reserve for bad weather trips with kids or to market?

5 years ago
Reply to  Thor29

“urban dwellers don’t have enough space or would have to carry it up stairs.”

Not true. Either you own a bike, then you could park the podride where your old bike stood. Or you own a car, which you can’t carry upstairs as well. Or you take the bus/metro, which is already a good alternative to car traffic. Your argument is invalid.

8 years ago

This might be more appropriate for one of your possible sister sites:

It’s hard enough staying current with the 2 wheel industry!

8 years ago

Does it come with outriggers? It is windy as shit in SF today, that thing would be a handfull.

8 years ago

Ice lake human powered drifting.
For that alone I kinda want one

Aaron Stoner
Aaron Stoner
8 years ago

Any chance of getting a small radiating heater for Sub-Zero riding?

8 years ago

Best application of an E-bike I’ve seen!

8 years ago

Without a question, this inventor has too much time on their hands…

8 years ago

It’s pretty well thought out and I wish him well.
I think it would be better if the windscreen extended all the way down so you can see better on steep climbs.

4 years ago

Actually, according to the bike laws in Nova Scotia this would be allowed even with the electric motor. As long as it can be pedaled it’s a bike. As for ebike it has to be no more than 500w. It might be a bit claustrophobic for me, but would be great for our miserable winters especially if it could be heated.

David and Donna Vogelpohl
David and Donna Vogelpohl
4 years ago

I have a grandson that is going to turn 21 this coming January – he mountain bikes – he started in High School and he has graduated but due to his mental disabilities – he is in some extended educational classes and so still riding with the High School – He wants a Jeep but would be a danger behind the wheel of a real auto and I’m a poor grandma but I’d love to know how much one of these bikes might cost. If you could customize the outter shell to about 5 varieties of vehicles – I’d at least like to know what one might cost as is but if customizing was possible – all the better.

3 years ago

what is the price?

10 months ago

I wish it was two seater

2 months ago

Where can I buy one?

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