is an online community to protect bikes from theives. One of their primary agendas has been to ask eBay and Craigslist to start requiring serial number listings on the sales of bicycles. Similar to the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) requirement on automobiles, this would allow people to publically see what they are buying, and also victims of stolen bikes to use Google and hopefully track down a thief if their serial number is listed for sale. Long term, moving bikes to a government-registered serial number system like VIN numbers could drastically reduce the re-sale of stolen bikes.
Being from Portland, of course they delivered the petitions in a hand-curated wooden binder with their cover letter laser-etched on the front. Project529 also hosts a registration system on their website for serial numbers, as well as a “hot sheet” of known stolen bikes and their numbers.
What do you think? Would requiring serial numbers help prevent the re-sale of stolen bikes? Check them out at