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Protect your entire face from winter wind and precipitation with the VisorX

VisorX feature image
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VisorX on rider

OK, so you’re a dedicated cyclist and you really want to keep riding, but its well below freezing outside. You can toss on several warm layers, put on some booties and cold weather gloves, but one part of your body always feels the sting of cold air- your face. For you die-hards, a Toronto, Ontario based physician and cyclist named Farzad Hariri may have solved your problem with the VisorX.

Bikerumor readers may remember another visor we checked out last year called Wide Eyez. Like the VisorX the Wide Eyez attaches to any helmet, but it doesn’t offer full face coverage. The Wide Eyez produced some doubtful comments regarding its appearance, and I can only imagine the VisorX will too.

With winter riding in mind the VisorX was designed to keep your delicate face protected from frigid air, rain, snow, and sleet. Furthermore, the VisorX offers an optional helmet cover to keep your noggin toasty too. The product’s campaign on Kickstarter has just begun but is already generating funds from those looking beyond fashion and thinking about function…

The VisorX is designed to fit any size helmet with easy installation, detachment and adjustment. Like the Wide Eyez, the VisorX’s mounting posts simply stick to the sides of your helmet with an adhesive backing. The photos reveal generous adjustment channels in the face shield, so fitting it to a wide range of different helmets seems feasible.

VisorX on road rider

The shield is made from 3mm thick clear polycarbonate plastic, which meets the same industry specifications used for motorcycle helmets. It is durable enough to protect you from bugs, debris, branches or pebbles kicked up by vehicles. The shield is also lightweight, anti-scratch and offers UV protection.

VisorX, anti fog shield features

With a visor covering your whole face condensation is obviously going to be a concern, but Farzad says he’s got that issue under control. The VisorX’s anti-fog system does use an anti-fog coating, but it also allows a bit of air (described as a gentle breeze) to flow through the shield to keep your vision clear. The visor has anti-fog channels, with one row at located the top and one just above your nose. These small holes are channeled to direct the air flow downwards onto the inside of the shield, helping to blow off any condensation.

VisorX, helmet cover pic

Now that your face is protected, the VisorX’s optional helmet cover can help keep your head warm as well. Its stretchy, durable high quality rubber conforms to the shape of your helmet, plus its waterproof so you’ll stay dry inside.

VisorX shields will be sold in clear, smoke, silver, tint silver or gold shades, however there is no word on what color(s) the helmet covers might be available in.

VisorX, in hand
*Photos and video courtesy of VisorX

Kickstarter supporters can currently buy a clear face shield for $39 USD, a smoke tinted shield for $63, or a Silver or Gold shield for $68, all with helmet covers included. You can also grab a day/night set, with a clear shield, smoke shield and helmet cover for $110.

If funding comes through, the first units are expected to ship in September. Check out the Kickstarter campaign here, or just go ahead and start the Boba Fett jokes below…

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9 years ago

This looks absolutely ridiculous. On the other hand, so does wearing a skimask and goggles with a bicycling helmet.

Kernel Flickitov
Kernel Flickitov
9 years ago
Reply to  Maza

Try riding in Minneapolis all winter with no face protection.

9 years ago

I wear a ski helmet (adjustable vents!) and goggles when it’s truly frigid. There really aren’t any non-dorky options when it’s below freezing, but it’s the best option I’ve cobbled together, and there are a ton of options, colors, etc.

9 years ago

This would nicely complement an ebike.

Nicholas Angel
9 years ago

It probably wouldn’t look so weird if you weren’t wearing a pea coat and jeans.

Brian S
Brian S
9 years ago

Daft Punk called, they want their helmets back.

9 years ago
Reply to  Brian S

Darn, beat me to it.

9 years ago
Reply to  Brian S

LOL that is so funny, it’s exactly what these look like

9 years ago

So, cold enough to cover your face, but warm enough for fingerless gloves?

9 years ago


9 years ago

That mirrored one is so badass! I want one for crit racing.

9 years ago

Looks stylish, much better than goggles and balaclava. What happens when spring comes and you want to remove the shield and mounting posts? I would want to continue wearing the cover after the shield comes off in April. They should provide extra adhesive pads so you can wear it winter after winter.

9 years ago
Reply to  mudrock

What happens in springtime when you dont want to remove the shield?

King County
King County
9 years ago

If it works, I would put function before fashion and use it.

9 years ago

I actually think this is a pretty good idea. I also like their mounting approach. The Daft Punk comment is spot on… perhaps an endorsement deal is in order.

9 years ago

It’s a well thought out design. My biggest concern with any face protection is fogging. They say they’ve designed it to limit fogging. I’m a bit skeptical. I haven’t found anything that I can’t fog up. I gave up and stopped using any eye protection because of this.

9 years ago

One concern I see off the bat is the helmet cover made out of rubber. One of the reasons helmets have the relatively smooth exterior is so that when you crash the helmet slides, not rotates which can cause more injury. I’ve got to say that the first photo of the dude in the smoke/black shield and cover needs a leather jacket to complete the look. RoboCop meets Terminator.

9 years ago

Graphics to make it look like Boba Fett – that I’d pay extra for. Currently, the upper options just make for a low-rent Daft Punk.

9 years ago

At first glance I thought this article had something to do with Daft Punk.

9 years ago

My biggest concern is that you have yet another thing attached to your helmet that is designed to keep your head safe…. What is this going to do to the level of protection should you come off? i can only imagine it will decrease the effectiveness.

and on that basis alone, i’m out

Mike Irwin
Mike Irwin
9 years ago
Reply to  DaveR27

How do you see it decreasing the “level of protection” exactly?

9 years ago
Reply to  Mike Irwin

I’d worry about the effect of having two chunks of plastic stuckmto the sides of my lid in a crash. If you came down on one of them it could punch through it. Same reason I won’t use lights or cameras on my lid.

9 years ago

Isn’t the stretchy rubber waterproof helmet cover the opposite of reducing helmet roll on impact?
Cosplay all you want but don’t break your neck.

9 years ago

Hopefully it doesnt slice your neck open when you crash.

Mike Irwin
Mike Irwin
9 years ago

Interesting. I wouldn’t use it as the PNW isn’t cold enough, but I can see applications on the east coast and mid west.

Johnny Cash
Johnny Cash
9 years ago

Do they have a prescription version?

9 years ago

Nah… I ride a bike 15 miles to a job where I work outside, often in sub-freezing (sometimes even sub-zero) temps. I wear a similarly-sized faceshield on my work helmet, and I can tell you that flipping it down to try and reduce the bite of a cold wind does very little–the wind just whips under it and still gets my face. What’s worse, the small reduction in wind exposure near the top of the shield allows my breath to freeze to the area rught in front of my eyes, making it progressively more difficult to see.

9 years ago

How are they drinking their coffee?!? Hopefully the same way as Lord Helmet…

9 years ago

Modifying your helmet is just a bad idea. You have a rigid piece of plastic that if you crash, is going to tear/pull off of the helmet, and then will only be another thing that could injure you. Just because something is strong/used on something else doesn’t mean that it can be used with a system that wasn’t designed for it. A sledge hammer is really strong too, but I’m not going to bolt that to my helmet…

9 years ago
Reply to  Collin

I’m inclined to agree. I’d say if you need to go to the point of having a face shield, just get a full faced motorcycle helmet.

9 years ago

(deleted) Crazy how many people you see in Cupertino walking around with these blast shields on. I guess it’s to protect them from the constant California sun?

9 years ago

Wonder if enough room to ware my Rx glasses?

9 years ago

My area ranges from 0 to 30 degrees all winter. Just a winshield will not do much to keep your face warm.

Also it’s gonna fog up going uphill or at stop lights. Not enough ventilation and what there is its not high enough.

The lower edge is too low. If you crash and tuck your neck, it will dig or cut into your body.

Looks kool though. Good for robbing banks?

9 years ago

Luke, I am your father.

9 years ago

Really? Are cyclists actually talking about being fashionable?!? The solid black looks cooler/sleeker than ski goggles and balaclava, but ain’t no way I’m wearing that crap.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Totally getting one! Why? So i can safely weld my bike while riding it…

9 years ago

I’d digging the Robocop/Judge Dread look there, haha

9 years ago

Wear that into the bank and see how fast they call the cops.

9 years ago

Where’s the GI Joe version so we can fight cobra commander?

9 years ago

So a protection for the winter, when it is mostly dark, has a dark to very dark tint? These guys clearly are not commuters.

9 years ago

Not a solution. Slight amount of rain and you’ll be flipping it up to see where you’re going.

John Kane
John Kane
5 years ago

Intrigued – would love to know whether it fogs at a stoplight etc.
I use a helmet mirror that would probably interfere with this (unless perhaps I mounted it back behind the pivot).

The fashionistas here are pretty funny – wonder how many of them I’ll see out on those -30F / -34C with heavy wind days I wonder?

Kyle Harden
Kyle Harden
4 years ago

All investors did well in 2020!

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